Chapter Twenty-Three= Running Baby

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So, thanks for all the votes, and reads, and all the comments guys! Means a lot!






Calypso and i sat for about an hour. She wrapped my hand and gave me some food to eat. Well, like fifty granola bars.

" Lilly, go home. The boys must be freaking out." Calypso urged. I sighed.

"What about you? You'll be here all alone." I tried to convince her to stay.

"Go. I'll play 'Just Dance' and watch movies. That's what Luna and I usually do." I sighed in defeat. She has been pestering me for about thirty minutes.

"Fine, but call me if you need any thing, okay?" She smiled and nodded her head, her purple an black hair flying.

I walked to the door, and grabbed my shoes. I slowly pulled myself out the door and jumped to the dirt. The earth felt cool against my sore feet. I trudged to Seth's house, slowly, but surely. About 30 yards away, i could hear the guys worried breathing.

I slowed my pace down, not wanting to meet the worried and death looked from them. But it was too late. The guys caught my scent, and ran outside. Seth was the first one to meet me, and he hugged me tight. Like, so tight, I could hardly breath. I hugged him back, and then patted his arm to let me go. He released me, but I was soon met with the bone crushing hug from Quil. After a hug from all the guys, besides Paul and Jake, the glares started.

"Where the heck were you, Lilly Susan Saul? We were worried sick! You left right after Bella tripped you and then you ran away into the forest? And worst of all, the panther was there! You could have been killed! That panther is dangerous! And why the heck do you always run off when ever it is a full moon, huh? You're... You're... You're grounded!" Jake screamed at me. His words made me do a double take. He had realized that I run off when ever its a full moon, but he better don't know why.

"Jake! You can't ground me! You're not my mother" I told him. He scoffed at me.

"I still can." Jake replied, with a tone too.

"Then I won't listen to you." I sassed.

"Quit it, both of you." Sam commanded. I turned to him.

"You don't control my life." I told him. The boys looked at me shocked. I had never snapped at someone like that before. Well, not that they know of.

"Lilly. That was out of line." Sam said with authority. I snapped.

"Do you know what's out of line?! When I can't leave without question! You question me, but I don't need to be! Maybe I just want to have my alone time! Is that so hard to comprehend?" The boys were silent. But I wasn't done. "And maybe I just need to be away from you guys! Every time I leave to go somewhere, you guys freak out, like it's a surprise that I want to be away from you a*******!" I stormed off. But when the guys tried to follow me, I ran.

I ran to the back of the house, went through the back door, and climbed up the stairs. I ran to my room and locked it.

Quickly, I grabbed my duffle bag and shoved a months worth of clothes. I grabbed my boxing clothes and gloves, along with my tape. I then grabbed my phone charger and my teddy bear. I quickly raced to my table and grabbed some of my makeup and my wad of money from underground boxing.

I paused for a moment, and heard Seth opening the front door. I quickly opened my window and threw my duffel bag out. Seth must have heard me, because he raced upstairs. I jumped out my window and grabbed my duffel bag. I ran into the forest. I then looked back up to my room, and saw Seth looking out my bedroom window confused.

I didn't want to be near the guys. So I ran. And I didn't stop running.

*five hours later*

I reached L.A. I didn't realize I had ran that far. I wasn't out of breath, but I stopped. It was around 10 am when I left Forks. It's now 2 o'clock. I walked down the unknown street that I was on. Luckily for me, there was a lot of underground boxing. Which meant money. Which meant I could live here.


Hey guys!! I would like two votes and one comments for the next chapter! :)

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