chapter one

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"I can't believe your coming Chilton with me." Camille Beaufort marvelled.

"I know right." Rory Gilmore agreed. "It's like a dream come true."

Camille and Rory were standing in the hallway of Stars Hollow High School with their friend, Lane Kim.

"I can't believe your leaving me." Lane shook her head disapprovingly. "Speaking of leaving, I have to go. I have to have a pre-hayride cup of tea with a future doctor. How do I look? Korean?"

"Very." Camille answered the same time that Rory responded with "Spitting image."

Lane rushed off. Camille turned to Rory.

"You go ahead, I'm going to the toilet." She insisted.

"Okay, I'll meet you at Luke's." Rory told her and walked away.

Camille turned to find the toilets. A boy came up to her.

"God." She exclaimed. "Your like Ruth Gordan just standing there with a tannis root. Make a noise."

"Rosemary's baby." The boy replied.

"Yeah." Camille nodded.

"Who were the girls you were with?" He questioned her.

"The one with glasses was Lane and the one clearing out her locker was Rory." Camille responded.

"Why was she clearing out her locker?" The boy inquired.

"She's moving schools, she'll be attending Chilton with me." The blonde answered.

"You don't go here." The boy pointed out. "That means your trespassing."

"I've always wanted to be a bit rebellious." Camille laughed nervously.

If she was taught anything from living with Lorelai Gilmore, it's that bad jokes can be funny.

The boy started laughing.

"My family just moved here from Chicago." He admitted.

"Oo Chicago, windy, Oprah." Camille stereotyped.

"Yeah that's the place. I'm Dean." He introduced himself.

"I'm Camille." The blonde smiled. "My mum wanted to name me Camilla but the nurse wrote an E instead of an A on the birth certificate and my parents couldn't be bothered to change it."

"That's a good story." Dean smiled. "Well I better go, I have to look for a job."

"You should check with Miss Patty." Camille advised him. "She knows about everything that goes on in Stars Hollow, she'll know if anyone is looking to hire."

"Camille." Someone called her. "Earth to Camille."

"Sorry about that." Camille snapped out of her remembrance.

"What were you thinking about?" Dean questioned her.

"The first time we met." She smiled at him.

"You were helping Rory clean out her locker weren't you?" Dean recalled.

"Yep." Camille answered. "Oh, I need to practice at Miss Patty's so I'll see you later."

"Can't I come and watch you?" The brunette boy inquired.

"I suppose so, if you really want to that is." Camille told Dean.

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