chapter twenty five

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" Welcome Lords and Ladies." Run announced. "I call upon these sprightly horns to commence our proceedings."

A trumpet played and Run rubbed his ear.

"Hey Chuck Mangione, you wanna back up a step?" He asked the trumpet player.

"And we're off." Lorelai exclaimed.

"And now, fair people, I present my Lord and Master, the honorable Squire Bracebridge." Rune continued.

Jackson entered in a squire.

"Lo, now has come our joyfullest feast. Let every man be jolly." Jackson bellowed.

"We should've eaten before we came." Jess whispered to Lukes.

"Shh." Luke hushed his nephew. "And yeah."

Camille kicked her boyfriend under the table.

"Be nice." She mouthed to him.

"Humble servant, bring us the first course to dine with pleasure. Mmm, methinks it be a butternut squash soup." Jackson requested.

"Ah, methinks you're right Squire Bracebridge, thus and verily." Rune told him

"And verily thus." Jackson played around with words.

"They're the Old England Abbot and Costello." Lorelai joked.

"'Tis perfection, but extremely hot." Jackson came slightly out of character.

"My Lord, do you need aid? Wouldst thou have thee ice thy tongue?" Rune asked Jackson.

"I can't bare this any longer." Jess muttered.

"Ah nay, Rune, nay. To the guests thou shall serve the soup." Jackson told him.

"What's the white stuff?" Jess inquired.

"I think it's cheese - or cream." Camille answered.

"And the green stuff?" He questioned.

"I think it' picked off." Luke warned him.

"Ah, it's always nice to end a big festive meal with a big festive pall hanging over the room." Lorelai was getting ready for bed.

"Most people didn't notice anything." Rory pointed out.

"I guess. Bootsy singing Hotel California accompanied by spoons drew people's attention away." Camille shrugged.

"Did Grandma and Grandpa say a word to each other the rest of the night?" Rory asked.

Emily and Richard had a big arguement over Richard retiring.

"No." Lorelai answered.

"Why didn't he tell anyone?" Rory questioned.

"I'm sorry, are you asking me to interpret my parents' motives?" Lorelai inquired.

"My mistake." Rory apologised. "So which bed do you want?"

"Take the one by the window." Lorelai told her.

"Okay." Rory pulled back the blanket. "Mum."

"What honey?" Lorelai asked.

"You put the picture of the ugly baby in my bed." She held up the photo.

"I didn't, I swear. That ugly baby is stalking us. Run away." Lorelai joked.

"It was my idea." Camille owned up. "It was funny though."

"Poor baby, it's not his fault." Rory empathised

"I think it's a she." Lorelai stated.

"Poor baby, you picked the wrong parents." Camille sighed.

"Hey, have you heard from Dad recently?" Rory questioned.

Lorelai started asking stupid questions about Christopher.

"There may have been a call." Lorelai admitted.

"There may have been? You don't remember?" Camille inquired

"Well things have been so hectic, you know, with the Bracebridge Dinner, and um, building a snowwoman, and planning the ugly baby gag, that took time." Lorelai made an excuse.

"Mom?" Rory questioned.

"Yes, he called, He called, he called, he called and invited you two and it's not too late to go. He called and invited you two so there you go. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, so there." Lorelai admitted.

"He invited us over?" Camille asked.

"Yes." Lorelai replied. "are you deaf?"

"No, I just, he invited me over, I'm not his daughter." Camille didn't know how to feel.

"He sees you as a daughter, just like I do." Lorelai reassured her.

"Why didn't he invite us himself?" Rory asked.

"Because he's pretending to be considerate by running it past me first." Lorelai mumbled.

"Was he maybe not pretending to be considerate, and actually being considerate?" Rory inquired.

"Maybe." Lorelai furrowed her brow. "But I wouldn't put it past him to be inconsiderate. The guy doesn't have the greatest track record."

"Why didn't you tell me this? He's probably waiting for my answer, and holding off making plans." Rory freaked.

"Because I have dibs on this time of year with you, not him. Me. And yes, he acknowledged that, and that was cool and all, but still - it stinks because he put me in a very difficult position because we were supposed to watch a lot of movies and make fun of Godfather 3, and the thing that I really, really hate about this the idea of you two not hanging out with me because you're hanging out there with your stupid stepmother."  Lorelai ranted.

"Mum, calm down." Camille hugged Lorelai.

"You're glowing." Lorelai raised her eyebrow at the girl.

"I'm not glowing." She denied.

"You have the new relationship glow." Lorelai pushed further. "doesn't she have the new relationship glow?"

"she has the new relationship glow," Rory agreed.

"who are you dating?" Lorelai questioned her.

"fine, i'm dating Jess." She admitted.

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