chapter thirty

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"Sorry but I can choose what I will and won't do." She apologised.

They were silent for a few seconds.

"you said that if something goes wrong we'll break up." Jess broke the silence.

"Jess no." Camille shook her head. "all couples have their fights."

"their fights aren't about having a date with someone else." Jess pointed out.

"I'm sorry Jess." Camille apologised. "don't call it quits."

"I think its best if we take a break." Jess told her.

"" the blonde muttered.

"I'm sorry." Jess apologised.

Camille got up and walked out of the diner, wiping tears out of her eyes. This was her fault, if she had listened to Jess, none of this would happen.

She went home and laid on her bed. She didn't know what to do. She didn't know who to contact. She just laid in her bed and cried into her pillow. She felt something with Jess, she didn't know what but he made her feel better.

Amongst her crying, Camille fell asleep. She didn't know when but she did and was woken up by Lorelai.

"Honey, are you okay?" She asked her surrogate daughter. "do you feel sick or anything?"

"Jess dumped me." the blonde whispered. "we go into an argument about Chuck and he dumped me."

"oh, i'm sorry." Lorelai apologised. "but maybe it's for the best, he doesn't exactly have the best track record and the hell he's been putting Luke through."

"I think i might have loved him." Camille admitted. "ever since I saw him, he's made me feel safe."

"You're young, you think you love someone when really you love the idea of love." Lorelai explained. "I don't think Jess was the right person for you, he made you do the crime scene in front of the market, all he does is speak back to Luke and he's got a bad relationship with his mum."

"I know you see yourself in him." Camille admitted. "and you don't want me or Rory to be involved with him."

"I don't see myself in him." Lorelai denied.

"yes you do, just admit it." the blonde argued. "you don't want him to ruin my life the same way you feel like you ruined it even though you haven't."

Lorelai said nothing, she just walked out of the bedroom.

Camille was sitting on her bed, reading the book that Jess gave back to her.

On the front page he had written: to Cam, so that we can read this book again together and debate about the importance of it, love Jess.

Jess's handwriting was slightly messy but Camille liked it.

"Knock knock." Rory stood at the door. "you'd never guess what."

"what?" Camille asked her sister.

"Paris is in my room because she's upset about my 135 words per minute rate." Rory answered.

"No way." Camille gasped in disbelief.

"Way." Rory smiled. "Come join us, it might take your mind off things for a while."

"no thank you, i'd rather read this." Camille held up her book.

"Howl." Rory read the tittle. "that's my book."

"I gave it to you three years ago to read and you didn't give it back." the blonde informed her.

"oh, well you can keep it now." Rory told her.

"I was planning to." she laughed. "well, you should go before Paris storms up here."

"okay, i'll come up here once she's left." Rory informed her.

Rory left and Camille went back to reading her book, adding notes underneath where Jess had written.

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