chapter sixteen

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Camille, Lane and Rory were walking toward a crowd.

"Hey." Rory called out to Dean.

When he turned around, Camille averted her eyes to the ground.

"Hey." Dean replied.

"What's going on?" Rory asked.

"I don't know. I got here and this is what I found. I mean, I told him it looked fake, but he didn't believe me." Dean answered.

"And you have such an honest face." Rory sighed.

"Well, he must not love me as much as you do." Dean assumed.

"Okay, you two are officially sickening." Lane gagged.

She walked away from the couple and Camille. The blonde spotted Jess so she went over to him.

"I think we accomplished something." she told him.

"yep." Jess agreed.

"what if they find that it was us?" the girl whispered.

"they won't." the boy mumbled.

He looked away from Camille. Instinctively, Camille looked to see what he was looking at. Rory.

"look, about the kiss." She started. "I know you kissed me to shut me up and i want to tell you that I don't want a relationship or anything with you."

"good." Jess responded. "because you are a little annoying so i'm glad we're on the same page."

"you're one to talk." Camille scoffed. "your 'bad boy' act is a bit outdated."

"I don't remember asking for your opinion." Jess looked at her.

"it's a free country Jess, I can give input when I want to." Camille patted his shoulder before walking away.

"Mia." Rory and Camille squealed in unison.

Mia was the owner of the Independence Inn. She was the one who had given Lorelai and Rory their home.

"Oh my babies." Mia smiled as she hugged the girls.

"Did we know you were coming?" Rory asked.

"I didn't know I was coming." Mia admitted.

"This isn't a surprise inspection is it?" Lorelai questioned.

"That's exactly what it is." Mia grinned. "You're too thin as always."

"I have to stay thin, I'm a ballerina." Camille replied. "We do eat though."

"And your all too beautiful." Mia marvelled.

"Yes, that's true. We often feel guilty monopolising the amount of beauty we're in possession of." Lorelai sighed.

"And I don't see you enough which is my fault, so you three pass." Mia joked.

"Aww." Camille awwed.

"Ooh Michel. Ooh, how nice to see you. Uh, and look at that suit. You are quite the dandy, aren't you?" Mia asked Michel who was walking up to them.

"Well, I had a feeling that a lovely woman was going to be visiting today so I decided I must look my best for her." His French accent was thick.

"I'm sorry honey, I didn't catch a word of that." Mia apologised.

"He said he missed you." Camille translated.

"You've been in the U.S. quite some time Michel, your enunciation really should be better by now." Mia scolded him.

"The customers seem to understand me just fine." Michel scoffed.

ballerina girl~ J Mariano[1]Where stories live. Discover now