chapter thirty six

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"Jess, open up." Camille banged on the door. "I know you're in there."

"my, aren't we bright eyed and bushy tailed?" Jess asked sarcastically.

"Luke needs you downstairs." Camille sighed.

"Why?" Jess questioned.

"because he's on the phone with someone and Caesar's off today and the place is packed and he needs help." the blonde explained.

"i'll be down in a minute." Jess replied.

"no, now." Camille told her boyfriend.

"i'm in the middle of something." the boy informed her.

"just assume that Jeannie's gonna get Major Healey out of whatever scrape he's in." Camille mumbled.

"gee, thanks for spoiling it for me." Jess smiled.

The two went downstairs. Kirk was complaining to Lorelai and Rory was dashing around taking orders. Jess stumbled on the last  step.

"well, you're very graceful." Lorelai snorted.

"she pushed me." Jess complained.

"sue me." Camille rolled her eyes.

"I could've broken my neck." Jess continued.

"as long as it's not your arm. We need your arm." Rory butted in.

"despot." the boy muttered.

"Luke offered you a job?" Rory questioned in disbelief.

"yes he did." Camille replied. "I don't whether I should take it or not."

"Why not?" Rory asked.

"I have ballet and the Franklin and homework so I couldn't fit in shifts at the diner." Camille explained.

"You should do a trial week." Rory suggested. "Just a week and if anything goes wrong, quit. Plus, Luke needs the help during his uncle's funeral."

"I guess." Camille sighed. "yes is going to be working there though."

"So?" Rory inquired. "He's your boyfriend."

"exactly, it might be awkward if we're working together." the blonde worried.

"I doubt that it will." Rory reassured her. "I ran into Taylor today, he was muttering about turnips."

"sometimes I worry about that man." Camille empathised. "and half of the town."

"yeah well, no doubt Taylor will call a town meeting later." Rory laughed.

"I am not going to another one of them." Camille groaned. "they're so boring and long and pointless."

"I know." Rory agreed.

"I might take the job." Camille decided. "but I will have to tell Luke that I can't have definite shifts."

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