chapter twenty one

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"What do you mean you two kissed again?" Rory questioned.

"We were reciting the death scene and then he kissed me right when Romeo kisses Juliet." Camille explained.

"Well, is he a good kissed?" Lane asked.

"No the point." Rory answered before Camille could. "he's hot and cold with you, one minute he kisses you and then he's saying that you're annoying."

"I know, I know." Camille sighed. "Rory you need to get into your dress."

"No." Rory refused. "I'm not doing it, i'm not being Juliet."

"Mum made the dress especially for you." Camille told her.

"Luckily you're the same size as me now go." Rory hurried her.

"But Rory-." the blonde started.

"Paris will have our heads if there's no Juliet now go." Rory interrupted.

Camille hurried off to get into Rory's dress. Once she was back, Lane was gone and Sookie, Dean and Lorelai were with Rory.

"Oh honey, you look like a princess." Sookie awed.

"Mum made the dress." Camille smiled.

"I'm not even gonna ask why you two swapped roles but as long as I get good photos of you both, i'm happy." Lorelai laughed.

"I need you." Paris appeared and dragged Rory and Camille away.

After Paris spoke to the two, they were up.

According to Rory, Tristin was going to military school and his dad said that he couldn't be in the scene. Paris was his fill in.

"Will I set up my everlasting rest and shake the yoke of inauspicious stars. From this world-wearied flesh. Eyes, look your last,
arms, take your last embrace and, lips, O you.
The doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss
A dateless bargain to engrossing death.
Come, bitter conduct, come, unsavoury guide.
Thou desperate pilot, now at once run on
The dashing rocks thy sea-sick weary bark.
Here's to my love." Paris acted.

Camille was thinking about her run through of the scene with Jess. Paris wasn't nearly as good as he was.

"O true apothecary, thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die." The darker blonde pretended to kiss Camille.

"So did you and Paris actually kiss or was that a stage thing?" Dean asked the blonde.

"A lady never kisses and tells." Camille joked.

"Hey you guys get a table, I'll be over in a sec." Lorelai told them.

Dean, Rory, Camille and Sookie sat at an empty table.

"You were so good Cam." Sookie complimented her. "How did you learn your lines so quick?"

"I just knew Rory's." She shrugged. "It was nothing."

Rory looked at her, knowing why she knew the lines so well.

"I'm glad that's its over." Camille admitted. "but Madeline, Louise and I are going shopping next weekend."

"Louise was the one who played Friar Lawrence wasn't she?" Dean questioned.

"Yeah, I've got almost all my classes with her." Camille answered.

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