chapter twenty six

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"Time?" Lorelai asked the diner owner.

"4:30." He looked at his watch.

"Fill us up?" Camille held her cup towards him.

"That's your sixth cup." Luke pointed out.

"Yes it is." Lorelai agreed.

"How 'bout some tea?" Luke questioned.

"Absolutely, throw it in with the coffee." Camille joked.

"I assume Rory's meeting you here." He ignored Camille's comment.

"Yes she is and she's late and I have to go to class tonight so that means I have ten more minutes." Lorelai checked her watch nervously.

"I got it." Rory ran into the diner.

"You did?" Lorelai inquired.

"Right here." Rory held up her envelope, Camille had an identical one.

"Ooh. Well hurry up girls." The Gilmore woman rushed them. "open it. Leave the pot Ethel."

"I'm just an enabler." Luke groaned.

"Okay, just remember these are PSATs, okay, so it's like the Baby Gap, they don't count as much. Plus, you can take them over again. Plus, you are very young and have years of learning ahead of you and the really important thing is that you tried very hard." Lorelai tried her hardest to make sure that the girls wouldn't be disheartened.

"I got a 740 verbal and a 760 math." Rory read out her marks.

"760 verbal and 750 math." Camille exclaimed.

"Ugh, thank God you're not idiots." Lorelai relaxed.

"I got a 740 verbal and a 760 math?" Rory asked.

"Those are damn good scores little lady, really. Both if you did great. Amazing, top notch. Those are PSAT-rific." Lorelai joked. "Sorry, it was just lying there, I had to go for it. You're frowning."

"How did I get a higher score in math?" Rory questioned.

"Who cares?" Camille inquired.

"But I'm stronger in verbal. Verbal is my thing." Rory freaked.

"No, verbal's my thing." Lorelai corrected her.

"Maybe I didn't study hard enough. Maybe I got cocky." The younger Gilmore theorised.

"Maybe you need a major mud bath/salt glow/chill pill combo." Camille suggested.

"I'm just saying. . ." Rory started.

"Rory, you got a great score." Lorelai interrupted her.

"Yeah but. . ."

"No, a great score." Lorelai interrupted again.

"A great score?" Rory asked.

"That is a score you have earned and you deserve and will allow you to look down on me for many years to come." Lorelai smiled.

"Okay." Rory accepted her lower score in verbal.

"Okay. So we should celebrate. Hey, how about we get all dressed up tonight and hit the Rocky Horror Picture Show?" Lorelai asked.

"Are you serious?" Camille questioned.

"Please, I'm always serious." Lorelai scoffed.

"Can I invite Lane?" Rory inquired.

"Absolutely." Lorelai grinned.

"Okay. I hope she gets this in time. She's been kind of hard to reach lately." Camille stated.

"Well, maybe she can't handle the pressure of having such brilliant best friends Brilliant in math, the verbal's kinda sad." Lorelai shrugged.

"Thank you Mum." Rory and Camille smiled.

"You're late." Luke told Lorelai.

"Oh shoot, I am. I have to go. Hey, Rory and Camille kicked some major PSAT ass today." She rushed.

"Yeah? Congratulations." Luke nodded at them.

"Thank you." Camille grinned at him.

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