chapter nineteen

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Camille had made sure to get to school early to catch up on all the homework she missed while being out with Jess. Yesterday, She, Rory and Sookie were trying to convince Lorelai to keep the wedding present that had been sent to her. Lorelai would be calling everyone she knew to try to figure out who it came from.

In English, Camille was sitting in between Madeline and Louise. The teacher was going on about Shakespeare and works. At the end she revealed that the class would be split up into groups and perform a scene out of Romeo and Juliet.

"Act five." Madeline announced.

"Act five." Louise read out the act that was on her paper.

"Act five." Camille repeated.

"Act five?" Paris asked Rory

"Act five." Rory confirmed.

They would be doing the death scene.

After class, the four girls met in the hallway to discuss where they would meet. Rory however, was running late.

"So, I say we meet in the cafeteria. The acoustics are very similar to the Grand Hall, and oh, well look who showed up." Paris looked at Rory who walking towards them

"Sorry." Rory apologised

"Save it." Paris sneered.

"Well, well, well." Louise started.

"Look who's back from suspension." Camille finished.

"Tristin got suspended again?" Rory asked.

"Oh, like you hadn't noticed he'd been gone?" Paris questioned.

"What did he do?" Rory inquired.

"Took apart Mr. McCaffey's car and put it back together in the science building hallway." Louise explained.

"You're kidding." Rory gasped.

"Yeah, well he didn't do it by himself. Duncan and Bowman were there too." Louise told her.

"Plus the mechanics that they paid to do the actual work." Camille added.

"Hey, anyone stupid enough to hand out with Butch Cassidy and the Sun-dunce kid deserves whatever they get." Paris rolled her eyes.

"How did he fall in with those guys?" Rory asked.

"The new year started and there they were, all three of them, side by side." Madeline shrugged.

"And practically dressing the same." Louise scoffed.

"It's very On the Town." Camille compared.

Camille was standing outside Doose's. She desperately needed new conditioner and Lorelai and Rory didn't use the one that she uses so she was debating whether to let her hair go dry or face Dean.

"you can do it Camille." she muttered to herself before opening the door of the shop.

So far she hadn't seen him so she went to the toiletries aisle. With her luck, there he was stacking the shelf.

"our talk didn't go good." she pointed out.

"no it didn't." Dean agreed.

"I just wanted to say that I forgive you. Camille told him. "Stars Hollow is small and we're going to run into each other especially with you dating Rory and I don't want things to be awkward between us. you can't help who you like and don't like so there's no point in me being upset about so umm yeah, I forgive you."

"Thanks." Dean replied. "I really am sorry about the whole situation though, I should have told you and I was scared of hurting you but I ended up hurting even more than what would have happened if I told you."

Camille smiled at him.

"so we're good?" she asked him.

"yeah, we're good." He answered.

Dean put down the box that he was holding and hugged his ex girlfriend.

"I'll see you later." Camille grinned as she pulled away and started walking away.

"see you." Dean called after her.

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