chapter twenty

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"Excuse me stockboy, could you tell me where I can find the shortneing?" Tristin asked Dean. "Now that is a fine looking apron. I mean it, I mean, really sensational."

"What are you doing here?" Dean questioned Tristin.

Camille was standing in between the two, looking nervous and hoping that they don't start fighting.

"Well, to be honest, there's something I wanted to ask you." Tristin answered.

Camille and Dean watched as he picked up two bags of flour.

"In your professional opinion, which one of these would make my cakes fluffier?" The blonde boy inquired.

"You drove all the way out here just to be a jerk. There aren't enough people who can't stand you in Hartford." Dean scorned.

"He didn't drive here to be a jerk." Camille piped up.

"Oh, no. I'm here for Rory." Tristin told Dean.

"What?" Dean questioned.

"Romeo and Juliet." Camille blurted out.

"What about it?" Dean asked.

"I'm Romeo, and Rory's Juliet." Tristin informed him "Hey, come on, she must've told you. She did tell you, didn't she?"

"Look, I think you better leave." Dean suggested.

Tristin dropped a bag of flour on the floor.

"That was unnecessary." Camille groaned.

"Oops.God I am so sorry. I am such a klutz." Tristin was trying his hardest to make Dean mad. "Here, let me. This should cover it."

He dropped money on the floor.

"You know what, I hope for Rory's sake that you got an understudy."  Dean vowed.

Rory came running into the market.

"Oh thank God you're here Rory." Camille sighed.

"Dean hi." Rory smiled at her boyfriend.

"I'm going to go back to the others." Camille informed Rory.

After the rehearsal, Camille went to sit by the lake. It was something that she did often.

"how did your rehearsal go?" Jess asked her as he sat down next to her.

"it was okay, I laid on the floor dead the whole time, Louise acts like she's the priest in a Madonna video and Tristin started arguing with Dean." she summed up what happens.

"i'm guessing you're not Juliet." he assumed.

"Rory is." Camille replied. "I don't think she wants to be though."

"what makes you think that?" Jess asked.

"she keeps asking me if I want to swap with her." Camille laughed.

"what scene are you doing?" Jess questioned.

"the death scene." the girl responded.

Jess kneeled beside her.

"lay down." Jess told her.

"what? no." Camille refused.

"lay down." Jess repeated.

"fine." Camille sighed and did as she was told. 

"will I set up my everlasting rest and shake the yoke of inauspicious stars. from  this world-wearied flesh. eyes, look your last.
arms, take your last embrace and lips, o you.
the doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss. a dateless bargain to engrossing death.
come, bitter conduct, come, unsavoury guide.
thou desperate pilot, now at once run on
The dashing rocks thy sea-sick weary bark." the boy recited. "here's to my love."

He pretended to drink something.

"o true apothecary. thy drugs are quick. thus with a kiss I die." his voice was strong.

He bent down lower so his face was hovering above Camille's. He pressed his lips softly against the blonde's and then flopped next her as he pretended to die.

Camille shot up, Jess still lay next to her. His chest rising as he breathed despite him playing dead. She raised her eyebrows and smirked.

"go get thee hence, for I will not away. what's here?  cup closed in my true love's hand?
poison, I see, hath been his timeless end.
o churl, drunk all, and left no friendly drop
to help me after? I will kiss thy lips,
haply some poison yet doth hang on them,
To make me die with a restorative." Camille reluctantly pressed her lips against Jess's. "thy lips are warm."

She looked up and pretended to hear a noise.

"yea noise? then i'll be brief. o happy dagger." She pretended to take a dagger from Jess's pocket. "this is thy sheath."

Camille gestured that she stabbed herself. 

"there rust and let me die." she whispered before lying next to the boy.

Jess sat up and smiled.

"I bet we could give Rory and Tristin a run for their money." he joked.

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