chapter fifteen

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Camille was back to sitting with Lorelai and Rory when they went to Luke's the next morning.

Luke and Lorelai were talking about business while Rory and Camille were talking about the next edition of the Franklin.

Camille was on edge about seeing Jess. She didn't know what to do after their kiss. Should she say something about it or pretend that it didn't happen?

"coffee?" the golden boy himself asked, not making eye contact with Camille.

"Oh yeah thanks." Lorelai accepted. "How are you Jess?"

"well, i'm not bleeding or anything." he shrugged.

"Well, then it's gonna be a good day, huh?" Lorelai questioned him.

"yeah, it's 7:45." Jess pointed out.

"So?" Luke inquired.

"so do you want me to go to school or do you want to openly defy child labor laws?" Jess asked.

"Go, stay out of trouble." Luke instructed him.

"guess that means calling off the chickie run down at the salt flax." his voice was laced in sarcasm.

"Out." Luke ordered.

Jess left, Rory looked at Camille.

"I forgot my pencil case at home." Camille lied. "i'll be back."

She got up and rushed out of the shop.

"Jess." she called.

Jess turned around, he didn't look too impressed.

"nice uniform." he commented.

"you've seen it before." Camille replied.

"I know." Jess mumbled.

"so, about last night." the girl started.

"Taylor's totally freaking out." Jess interrupted smugly. "we did a great job."

"you kissed me." Camille blurted out. "why?"

Jess shrugged.

"to get you to stop talking I suppose." he answered.

"there's other ways to do that." Camille told him.

"I know." he smiled. "but my way was the most effective."

He walked away, Camille wasn't bothered to chase him. Even though she had thousands of questions, she knew that they could wait.

"So he kisses you and then tells you that it was to shut you up." Rory recapped what Camille had told her.

"yes." Camille replied. "I don't get it, he kisses me and now he's acting like he kisses people often."

"Do you like him?" Rory asked

"no, no, definitely not." the blonde answered.

"Okay." Rory ended the the conversation.

"you don't believe me." Camille raised her eyebrow.

"I do." Rory told her.

"Rory, i've lived with you for practically my whole life, I know when you think i'm lying." Camille responded.

"Okay fine, I think you're lying." Rory admitted. "You always talk about Jess, you always talk to him when you see him, you look at him the same way you look when you get an A+ on a test."

"I don't look at him in a specific way." Camille looked out of the bus window.

"I'll take a picture of you the next time you see Jess then to prove it to you." Rory suggested.

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