chapter forty

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The two teens were sitting in Camille's car, eating ice cream and talking about their futures.

"so what do you wanna do after school?" Jess asked.

"well if I get into Juilliard that will pretty much set me up to be a professional ballerina." Camille answered.

"oh come on." Jess scoffed. "don't say you actually enjoy Ballet."

"I do, i really do enjoy it." Camille replied.

"it's stupid." Jess smiled. "prancing around on a stage in a skin tight leotard and tights with a puffy tutu."

"you have a crooked smile." Camille grinned.

"oh thanks, that makes me feel so much better about my appearance." Jess responded sarcastically.

"I like it." Camille giggled. "it's cute."

"okay, so I guess we should be getting back. I did promise to study if you went on this ice cream run with me." Jess commented.

"yes, you did." the blonde agreed.

"so I just go straight and we'll be back at Luke's." Jess noted.

"good sense of direction." Camille laughed.

"of course, I could turn right and then we'd just be driving around in circles for awhile." the boy suggested.

"turn right." Camille told him.

"as you wish." Jess started to drive.


"Camille, good. Are you okay?" Lorelai questioned.

"I'm fine." Camille answered.

"Oh." Lorelai eyed up Camille's cast.

"please tell her that i'm fine." the girl requested.

"She's fine." The doctor told Lorelai.

Lorelai started to argue with the doctor over whether Camille was fine or not. After a while, Camille went to get her arm x-rayed.

Once it was finished and the results were back, Camille was discharged from the hospital. Lorelai had gone off after making sure that Camille was okay.

Now Camille was sitting in her bedroom, trying to read.

"You shouldn't have been in he car." Rory reprimanded her. "You should have been helping Jess study in the diner, not circling around town."

"i'm sorry that I wanted to go out with my boyfriend." Camille replied sarcastically.

"There's a time and a place for going out and this evening wasn't one of them." Rory argued. "Now Mum is probably having a go at Luke for your's and Jess's stupid behaviour. It's bot fair on Luke to get the blame."

"Rory we're kids." Camille slammed her book shut. "we're supposed to go out and do childish things and get in trouble and everything. just because you have the mindset of a thirty two year old, it doesn't mean everyone else does too."

The room went silent. None of the girls even moved. The stillness and the silence was broken by Rory storming out of the room and slamming the door.

ballerina girl~ J Mariano[1]Where stories live. Discover now