chapter thirty eight

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"Okay, I swept the room and I have to tell you, all sad. I think we're a lock." Paris announced.

"Really?" Rory questioned. "I actually thought the locker alarm was pretty good."

"Please, no one even looks when a car alarm goes off." Paris scoffed. "How effective do you think a locker alarm's going to be? Nope, I feel it, we are it. What's the word?"

"Every single idea in this room is completely worthless." Richard agreed with Paris.

"Yes." Paris smiled.

"There's a lot of wasted cardboard in here, my friend." Richard grinned.

"We are going to win." Paris was confident.

"Yes, we are." The Gilmore man nodded.

"Okay, the two of you need to take a time out." Camille advised them.

"Richard? Richard, hello." Headmaster Charleston greeted the man.

"Hanlin, good to see you." Richard shook his hand.

The two men were having a nice catch up.

"Did you see the brilliant hose hook idea over at table five?" Paris asked. "A hook on your belt for your garden hose. There's a Buster Keaton routine waiting to happen."

"So how are we doing?" Richard inquired.

"Paris is practicing spiking the football then doing a backflip." Camille joked.

"Well." Richard replied.

Camille didn't have a problem with Richard — the few times she met him, he was kind to her. It was Emily who she had a problem with.

"Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, all the projects have now been reviewed." The headmaster announced.

"Here we go." Paris mumbled.

"And before we announce the winner, I must commend everyone for their fine work. There are many, many good ideas here today. It makes me proud." Charleston continued.

"Move it along, padre." Paris was getting restless.

"Now I'd like to announce the winner – table 10, Miss Traster's class with the locker alarm." Charleston grinned.

"I don't understand, how is that possible?" Richard questioned.

"This is so lame. That alarm doesn't even work, I was just over there." Paris argued.

"This is the most ludicrous thing I've ever heard." Richard yelled.

"Grandpa, it doesn't matter." Rory tried to calm him down.

"It certainly does matter. You've all put in an extraordinary amount of time and effort and thought into this project. It deserved to win." The man ranted.

Richard ended up getting into an argument with Hanlin. Richard seemed extra offended when Charleston referred to the business fair as Richard's project. The Gilmore man refused to believe that he was doing it for himself and not the teens.

"great business fair,huh?" Camille asked.

"Absolutely fantastic." Rory answered sarcastically.

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