chapter twelve

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Dean would be finishing his shift soon, that means Camille had five minutes to plan what she was going to say to him and get to Doose's before he got home.

She left her house and started towards the market. Just as she got there, Dean was leaving.

He noticed her as she walked up to him.

"If you're coming to argue then I'm not interested." He told you.

"When did you start liking Rory?" She questioned.

"It's not important." Dean answered.

"Please Dean." Camille begged. "I need some kind of closure."

"Look Camille, I'm really tired." Dean started. "But, I can meet you for coffee tomorrow if you want."

"What time?" She asked.

"Umm, two o'clock." Dean suggested.

"Yeah, sure, thank you." She smiled.

"I really am sorry Camille, you know that right?" Dean inquired.

"I know." She replied.

"Well, I should get going." Dean mumbled.

"Oh same, Mum's sent me to get dinner tonight." She laughed nervously.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Dean smiled.

"See you tomorrow." She grinned back.

"why are you so happy?" Jess questioned as Camille came into the diner.

She sat at the counter table.

"tomorrow i'm meet Dean." she answered.

She saw the look of Jess's face.

"we're meeting so I can get closure." she told him. "I think it'll be nice to know what's going through his head."

"he was dating you, he went to the ball with Rory, he kissed Rory, you two broke up." Jess stated. "you don't need to know what's going through his head."

"I do Jess, I need to know. If I don't know when he started Rory then I'll think that he never actually liked me." She admitted.

"personally, i wouldn't want to speak to my ex if they kissed someone else while we were together." Jess shrugged. "each to their own I suppose."

"well, I need three burgers and fries, two with cokes and one with a milkshake to go." Camille requested.

"coming right up." Jess mumbled.

Luke walked to the counter after wiping down a few tables.

"Hi Camille." He smiled at her.

"hey Luke." she grinned back.

"I'm guessing that Lorelai sent you to get dinner." He assumed.

"your guess is correct." she responded.

Jess came back with two bags.

"I guessed that the milkshake was for you so I added extra whipped cream and a few marshmallows." he told her.

"you didn't have to." Camille replied.

"yeah well, you're going through a break up so." Jess shrugged.

"I should go, Lorelai might have my head if I'm not back in the next five minutes." she joked.

"bye then." Jess mumbled. "enjoy the milkshake.

"bye." she smiled as she got up from the counter and walked out of the diner.

Jess started wiping down empty tables.

"You like her." Luke observed.

"what?" Jess questioned. "no. why do you think that?"

"you put extra whipped cream and marshmallows on her milkshake. you seemed angry when she said she was going to meet with Dean. you were looking at her with that look in your eye." Luke listed.

"what look?" the boy inquired.

"The sort of look when you're about to do something that you know will annoy me." The boy's uncle answered. "Camille is a nice girl, she studies hard, she trains hard, she's going to end up at Juilliard or some other fancy Ballet school, she does not need you to ruin her life by going out with her."

"I don't like her so I don't know why you're fussing." Jess denied. "even if I did, why would I listen to you?"

"I'm warning you Jess, do not ruin everything she's been working for." Luke instructed him.

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