chapter five

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Camille was at the kitchen table with Rory. she was working on her article for the Franklin newspaper. she had headphones on and was listening to classical music. Rory and Lorelai were talking in the background.

"Cam." Rory shouted.

Camille looked at her and took off her headphones.

"Rory." She yelled back. "no need to shout."

"sorry, I was trying to get your attention." Rory told her. "I had to do the interview with Max today."

"I would have done it if you wanted me to." Camille reassured Rory.

"It was okay." The dark haired girl shrugged.

"I need to go buy new highlighters, my pastel ones ran out so i'm left with neon ones." Camille sighed as she got up.

"you hate neon highlighters." Rory cringed. "please can you buy me a folder, i'll give you the money for it."

"no don't, i'll pay for it." Camille insisted. "besides you can lend me your blue dress instead."

"sure." Rory smiled.

"i'll be back soon." Camille grinned back.

Camille walked out of the stationary shop.

"hey." Jess walked up to her.

"hello." she replied.

"what are you doing here?" he questioned.

"I had to get highlighters and Rory needed a folder." Camille explained. "What about you?"

"same thing." he mumbled.

"did you get in trouble for the disappearing act the other night?" Camille asked.

"yeah I did." Jess answered. "you?"

"no, I think Mum was just glad that it wasn't Rory." the blonde sighed. "well, I have to go finish my homework."

"here you go then." Jess pulled a book out of the pocket of his trousers.

"you stole my book." Camille gasped.

"one, Rory stole it first. two, i borrowed it." Jess argued. "I wanted to put notes in the margins."

"and you said you didn't read." Camille scoffed.

Jess shrugged.

"Goodnight Camille." He smiled at her.

"Goodnight Dodger." She grinned back.

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