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the worst part of drinking, the waking up with a headache feeling as if someone is smashing a brick against your head. the running to your bathroom throwing up on the floor even before you get there.your aunt holding your hair back as you throw up again and again each morning into the toilet.the only drinking coffee for breakfast feeling the stares of your siblings.


and thats how my mornings go.

and todays no different.

aunt jenna has just gone back downstairs something about putting coffee on for me leaving me sat on the cool floor of my bathroom.

im the only one who doesnt have to share cause after mom and dad died i took there room and jenna moved in and took the spare, 

me and elena shared when they was alive but i couldnt stand sharing with her after that.

anyways like i was saying hangovers are the worst part of drinking.

sure it will go away in a couple hours once i get a drink again but till then i pull myself off the floor grabbing onto the sink for help as my legs wobble and my head spins my vision going blury as i stand up fully.

"well good morning" i mutter looking at myself in the mirror. yesterdays eyeliner down my face smudged all around my eyes, my hair scrunched up half up half down from wear i rolled around in my sleep.

stood there in just underwear and my shirt from yesterday i roll my eyes wincing as it hurts. i walk back into my room holding onto the wall and door frame for support feeling like my legs could give out.

my room is simple, with dark red walls and a large double bed in the room, i have a desk with empty bottles lined up on the top, piles of over due homework stacked in a pile.

my wardrobe is connected into the walls meaning all my unwanted stuff is just thrown into there. i have a large mirror on my wall infront of my bed were i usally look at my outfit or do my hair.

walking into my room i lay face first on my bed groaning as my head hits the sofa pillows. i will say this 100 times my bed is the best place ever.

laying there hearing the sounds of jeremy and elena getting ready makes me realise what day it is.

first day of school.


groaning i push myself back up my dark brown hair completely in my face making me huff and try to blow it out my face.

hearing a chuckle i huff and brush it out of my face looking towards my door,

seeing elena stood there i roll my eyes pulling myself to sit up and cross my legs looking at her. when she doesnt speak i raise my eyebrows making her smile.

"i spoke to bonnie and she said she could give us a ride if you like" she says softly walking into the room stepping over the piles of random clothes i have on my floor.

"whatever" i say looking at her i push myself off my bed wobbeling over to my wardrobe opening it.

"i could pick your outfit if you want"elena says making me turn and glare at her making her sigh.

pulling out a dark green lacey tank top as well as a pair of black jeans and a dark grey demin jacket i throw it onto the bed before looking at her.

"goodbye elena" i say waving sarcastically making her sigh again before walking out of my room sending me a sad look before she leaves.

i huff stripping down putting on the clothes. before looking at myself in the mirror. i touch up my makeup not being bothered with how messy it looks before brushing my hair straightening it slightly before grabbing my boots sliding them on.

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