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"World war II ended in... Anyone got anything?"Tanner asks at the front of the class.

im leaning on my elbows bored sat at the back of the class. this sucks.

i drone out everyhting that he is saying not really intersested in anything tanner is saying until i hear him speak my name.

"miss gilbert" he says making me snap out of my day dream and look at him, sighing seeing him looking at elena and not me and roll my eyes."Pearl Harbor.?" he asks raising his eyebrows at her.

elena looks at him with wide eyes and stutters.

"Um....."she mutters looking at mr tanner.

"december 7, 1941."another person replies for her making me frown and look towards the voice seeing stefan.

"Thank you, Miss Gilbert."tanner speaks sarcastically making the class laugh/

"Anytime." stefan replies smirking at him.

" Very well. The fall of the Berlin wall."mr tanner speaks standing at the front of the room.

"1989. I'm good with dates, sir."stefan say sarcasticly. he winks at him and everyone laughs.

" Are you? How good? Keep it to the year. Civil Rights Act."tanner asks him.

" 1964. "stefan replies say.

"John f. Kennedy assassination."taner questions 

"1963. "stefan replies back sitting in his seat smugly.

"Martin Luther King."tanner asks him.

": '68. "stefan states

" Lincoln. "tanner questions him.

" 1865. "stefan reply

" Roe vs. Wade."tanner wonders

" 1973. "stefan smile back saying.

" Brown vs. Board."tanner asks him again.

" 1954."stefan speaks smiling again,

" The battle of Gettysburg."tanner asks him sighing.

"1863. "stefan replies back.

" Korean war."tanner speaks annoyed crossing his arms.

" 1950 to 1953." stefan replies nodding his head.

"Ha! It ended in '52."tanner speaks poiting at stefan smirking widely.

"Uh, actually, sir, it was '53.""stefan tells him shifting in his seat.

"Look it up, somebody. Quickly." mr tanner shouts at the class.

 i pull out my phone and quickly google it under the table and laugh.

"It was 19...53. "i say smirking looking at mr tanner.

how the hell does he know all of that?

i look at tyler who is next to me and raise my eyesbrows making him huff and look away from me.

after school i had planned to go home and sleep, i was tired but tyler was staying for football, so as matt and elena and bonnie were going to cheerpractice and caroline...well no ones has heard from her all day.

so i was stuck laying on the school bleches between the football practice and the cheer practice smoking a cig bored waiting for one of them to be done.

"evelyn!" elena shouts to me making me looking towards her frowning.

 she waves me over making me sigh and throw my cig and stand up walking down towards her and bonnie as thye stretch.

survivor- evelyn gilbertWhere stories live. Discover now