CHAPTER 22-10.2

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"what the hell is going on?" jenna questions huffing looking towards eveln as she stumbles slightly pushing herself to sit ontop of the teachers desk. lightly holding her head the lights from the school making her head almost burn.

"I don't know what you mean Jenna"Evie replies back mumbling as she rubs at the side of her head.

"Evie whatever is going on you need to tell us now"elena speaks seriously, both of them standing in front of her with their arms crossed.

"no Elena I don't because nothing is going on!"evelyn replies back huffing whinging as she slightly raises her voice.

elena just huffs ingnoring her sister for a moment before turning looking at Jenna.

"Jenna when Logan came to the house what did he say?"elena questions, her whole dementor suddenly turning serious making Evie frown looking up at her confused.

"fake flattery and stupid deepen grin, puppy dog eyes."Jenna speaks huffing shaking her head, before liking back over at Evie who was now watching confused.

"I'm serious Jenna. How did he act? What did he say?"elena speaks questioning her seriously making the penny suddenly drop in Evelyn's head.

"he's usual Logan, charming, a little more maniac than usual. He kept try to convince me to let him in."jenna explains frowning confused looking between her two nieces as Evie pushes herself off the table holding into it still feeling light headed."What?"jenna asks confused seeing the way elenas face drops.

E"Ok, listen to me very carefully. Do not, in any circumstances, talk to him again."elena speaks harshly making Jenna's eyes widen"I'm serious, Jenna, look ever!"elena speaks shaking her head making jenna frown at her.

"hey Elena. Jenna, Evelyn"Alaric, the history teacher speaks Walking into the room.

"Hey Mister Saltzman"elena speaks turning looking towards him trying to hide the panicked look on her face.

"I hoped to see you again."alaric speaks smiling looking at jenna

"carrier's night is the new bowling."jenna jokes laughing slightly.

"Elena I'm going to be sick"Evie suddenly speaks feeling ill all of a sudden.

"Okay excuse us"elena speaks huffing grabbing on her sisters arm before pulling her quickly out of the room and down the hall before the exit out of the fire escape doors instantly Evie racing over to the grass falling onto her knees throwing up infront of herself.

"god Evelyn"elena sighs; coming up behind her carrying her bag she somehow is carrying now.

"I'm fine"Evie mutters shaking her head before she throws up once again.

"is everything alright?"stefan speaks coming over quickly.

"I don't know"elena speaks crossing her arms watching the way Evie throws up once again.

"Hey Evelyn what we're you doing with Logan fell when you came here?"Stefan questions crouching down next to her making Evie sit back on her heels wiping her mouth with her sleeve taking a deep breath.

"I don't know, he sort of showed up out of nowhere"She replied back pushing the sunglasses further back onto her eyes making stefan and elena glacé at each other confused.

"can you take off your sun glasses I've got to check something."stefan speaks slowly looking at her frowning making Evie huff

"Stefan there's nothing-"Evie goes to speak before he quickly pulls them from her face making her instantly look away.

"evie?" elena questions confused looking towards her sister frowning at her strange behaviour.

"elena" evelyn replies back huffing still looking away from them as stefan and elena exchnaged confused expressions."get your boyfriend to leave me alone, im not a freaking vampire" evie huffs looking away from them still.

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