CHAPTER 12-11.2

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so one beer lead to another, and then shots...and now evie was most certainly drunk.damon who had once said one beer was now enjoying watching the sight of the girl drinking shot after shot.

in his mind it would be her last time drinking, he was determined to help her. since she hoped to help him.

"Go!"the bar tender speaks tapping the bear making evie and damon and the people around them all quickly back multiple shots evie doing it easily, damon pouring it on himself sligjhtly.

"thats you need a bib?" evie speaks laugjhing looking at the dribble marks on his shirt.

"Sorry I can't unhinge my jaw like a snake to consume alcohol."damon says laughing tugging her to sit on his knee on the stool making her giggle and lean back aginst his chest.

"Whatever. All right. Who's next? Another round, Bree?"evie speaks smirking looking at the abr tender.

"Honey, you should be on the floor."bree the bar tender speaks laughing pouring more shots infront of them.

"im not even tolerance is like way up here"evie aspeaks giggling. she was drunk...she points upwards almost hitting damon making him laugh and lower her hand.

"alright here you go,." bree speaks sldiing the shots infront of them, evie quickly picks up her own before shotting it slamming the glass down on the table.

"alright, im going to get some fresh air.." evie speaks laughing slightly making damon watch as she slips off her seat wobbiling slightly.

" you okay?2 he questions his eyes filled with worry, evelyn too drunk to notice.

" yeah damon im fine, just gonna get some air."she replies back brushing him off heading towards the front door.

taking some large deep breaths she holds onto the railings as she steps down from the bar, walking across the car park she heads towards the car before suddnely she is picked up and quickly rushed away.

she wasnt too sure what had happened, but some how she was now standing ontop of a large container out in the car park.

 she had noticed a dark shadow of a man walking around, her heart was racing as she noticed damon walk out of the bar and into the car park looking around.

" damon no" she shouted tears wanting to form in her eyes.

suddenly the shadow of the man sped behind damon holding a large bat in his ahnds before he striked hitting damon in the back of the legs forcing him to collapes onto the floor groaning out in pain./

damon groans agaian and again as the guy kesps on hitting him with the bat, evelyns eyes widening as she looks around before trying to climb down from the large container.

" ow what the hell!" damon groans out in pain sheilding his face as he tries to look up at the man.

the guy vamp speeds across the car park before picking up a barrel of gas and races back over before pouring it onto damons body.

"no!" eveyln shouts rushing over after climbing down from the container fear covering her whole face.

the man heard her shout and turns looking at her, the deep veins under his eyes and pointed white teeth making her freeze only a couple metres away.

the man breaths heavily looking at her before he turns and starts to pour the rest of the liquid onto damon who was hissing out in pain as the guy had broken his legs.

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