CHAPTER 17-14.1

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elena wakes up in a bed, a bed that she doesnt recongise.rolling over she notices evelyn sleeping next to her. the same fear filled expression that she had last night still on her face as she slept

"evie,evie"elena whispers shifting over on the bed, grabbing at her sisters arm trying to wake her.

when evie doesnt wake up she looks aroun seeing a boy, ben the bar tender sleeping in a chair  in the middle of the room.

but as she tries to stand up, the boy wakes up

"i wouldnt.Don't try to escape.Don't even move.Do you understand?" he was firm with his words, it sent a large shiver down elena's spin. she was scared as the boy tried to compell he.

but it wasnt going to work, she was on vervain.

" i understand"elena fakes, looking back into his eyes using a dull tone.

but as the guy goes to lay back on his chair elena springs into life and jumps off the bed rushing towards the door she flings it open only for anna, to be standing there.

"seriously?" aanna looked annoyed.

"I told her not to moove!I did that eye thing you taught me. the ben dude speaks, shaking his head he was shocked that it didnt work.

"You forgot the lesson about vervain.She dates a vampire ben, duh!"anna huff grabbing a hold of elena's arm and pulling her towwards the bedroom.

"who are you? what do you want?" elena cries out as anna shoves open the bathroom door, revealing bonnie passed out in the bathtub.

at this moment evelyn woke up, groaning holding the side of her head.

"grab her" anna shouts to ben making him quickly grab a confused evie off the bed and pull her towards the bathroom where elena was crouched down trying to wake bonnie up.

tthe two shoved the sister inside of the bathroom before slamming the door shut locking it from the outside.

evie who was still only just waking up, bangs at the door slightly.

"let us out!" she shouts before sighing."great..."

whilst elena wetted a cloth and held it to the side of bonnie head that was slowly starting to pool out with blood, elena dug around in the bathroom, it was the sme bathroom she had once already broken out of in the last 24 hours. she was sure she could do it again, but she found nothing.

"is she going to be okay?" evie questions coming to crouch down next to elena, aas bonies eyes start to flutter open and close.

"bonnie?" elena speaks quietly.

"elena? evie?" bonnie groans, her eyes now coming to foucus on the two girls infront of her.

"your okay..." elena hushs, pulling bonnie to sit up more.

" my head"bonnie groans again, it was banging, elena tries to help her sit up more as evie walks over to the mirror looking into it.

how could they be in this situation again.

"oh my gosh ben is a va-" bonnie gets cut off by the sound of elena shushing her.

evie turns around to watch elena place her finger over her lips before tapping her ear, looking around at the sink, evie quickly turns the tap on full, the sound of the water splashing out will be enough to cover their hushed voices.

"im so stupid"bonnie grunts, shaking her head as she sits up fully now, holding the cloth to her own head.

"no, he had all of us fooled."elena speaks sighing sitting down next to the tub making evie sit on the side.

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