CHAPTER 10-4.3

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sitting on the same bench that i found tyler on with my headin my hands this time,what the fuck is going on.


" i thought id find you out here" a voice says making me frown looking up noticing him apprahcing.

hios all black suit, and shiny shoes, he walks and sits down on the bench next to me making me sigh.

" what do you want damon?" i question my voice quiet as i speak.

the furstation getting to me now.

i dont know how to feel....the kiss made butterfiles explode in my stomach....ive never had a boyfridn before.

i cant have a boyfriend, that means i would feel things.

what if i end up regressing?

"that would be a good thing" damon speaks making me snap my head towards him confused." ypou said that out loud" he says sirking looking at me amking my eyes widne,

"shit" i mutter sighing bruhsingmy hair from my face

" if you dont mind me asking l why dont you regress anymore" he questions tilting his head at me making me sigh.

" the whole story?" i ask him sighing making him nod."my mom and dad were the ones who looked after me when i was regressed.and whne they died i just. let my little side die with them." i say looking down slightly as i speak." stupid right..." i say shaking my head.

"not at all" he says softly putting his finger under my chin making me look at him." i think, its a wonderful thing. you feel safe and happy. and you lose any responceabilties you may have when your little" he says looking at me mking me sit bac slightly." do you miss it?"he questions making me shrug." i think you do" he says smirking slightly making me shrug again.

" i guess... i just barely ever regressed without my parents....what if something went wrong...." i say looking at him.

" would you regress around me at somepoint.?" he questions looking at me with a soft look making me nervously shurg.

" i havent regressed since the night they die..." i mutter looking away from him as tears appear in my eyes.

"i could help you evie" he says making me slowly turn my head looking at him. a small frown appears on my face as i look at him.

"why?" i ask him confused making him let out a small chuckle.

"because although my borther makes it out like i dont have a heart.i do. and you make it feel something." he says smiling at me slightly making me blush and look away.

walking back up to the main room my damon next to me a small smlile on my face as we walk up to stefan.

 he sends damon a confused look before looking at me.

"elena and caroline are in thhe bathroom" he tells me making me nod and walk off to find them.

sometimes you see things that you completely did not expect.

i most certainly did not expect to walk in and see caroline. with her neck littered with bite marks and bruises, elena stood there holding her dress sleaves down slightly.

"Oh god, Caroline, what happened? " i say looking at her with wide eyes walking in the room more.

she looks at me with wide eyes before pulling her dress up more.

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