CHAPTER 15-7.1

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 a dark car sits in the parking lot of the school.

 tyler comes walking out of the building with his bag on his shoulder.

" im just glad your okay."tyler speaks holding his phone to his ear.

 evelyn in on the other end of the phone using her sisters phone as damon still has hers.

after hanging out with elena for a while. elena wanted to go to bed making eveyln return to hers and call tyler.

" yeah im okay ty,"evelyn replies back tiredly.

"well ill let you get some sleep. see you at school tomorrow."tyler speaks smiling as he opens his car door before hanging up the phone.

"Hi Ty" a voice speaks in the passanger seat of his car making tyler jump with wide eyes turning to see a shadow sat in the seat.

" Whoa Vicki?Everyone's looking for you." he speaks looking at her with wide eyes.

" I know." the girl replies back, her body shaking as she has tears running down her face.

" :What's wrong Vic?" tyler speaks looking at her confused, her concered look on his face.

" I'm so cold." she speaks shivering.

":Are you on drugs. Everyone thinks you're off on a bender."tyler scoffs looking at her as she turns to look at him reveiling hjow disheveled she is.

" i wish. " she mutters crying slightly.

":What happened in those wood ,Vicky? Those kids that were killed,What did you see?" tyler squestions looking at her with wide confused eyes.

"i'm so scared." vicki replies back sobbing.

" :Come here. It's okay. I'll take you home." tyler replies bakc pulling the girl into a hug making her latch onto him crying.

" I can't control it." vicki speals her voice deepening as she digs her head into tylers shoulder.

" Control what?" tyler questions rubbing the girls back as they embrace.

"I am so hungry ,Ty. And it won't go away."vicki speaks squeezing him tightly

"What are you on ? What drugs did you take?"tyler questions pulling away slightly looking at her.

" I want it. I am so hungry,Ty."vicki mutters looking at him.

" Okay,look, I'll get you something to eat. Just sit back. Look,let just get you home, Vicky."tyler speaks pushing vicki to try and sit down in the passanger seat again.

but she refuses to and suddnely fangs drop in her mouth , deep veins appear from under her eyes and she lunges towards tyler.

"Okay, what is wrong with you?!" tyler shouts loudly looking at her before they both fall out of the car landing on the floor in the parking lot.

a pair of hands come and rip vicki off tyler making her hiss.

"Aah! Let go of me! "she screams loudly as Stefan holds onto her,

tyler looks at them with wide eyes pushing himself to stand up.

"What's going on here,Stefan? What's wrong with her?"tyler speaks looking at stefan holding vicki as she struggles

"You don't talk." a voice peaks amking tyler turn around seeing damon stood there.

" Screw you, dude."tyler replies back glaring at Damon.

 tyler doesnt know of the nigth that damon and evie shared,

""Dude" really?, "dude"."damon questions raising his eyebrows looking at tyler

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