CHAPTER 16-7.2

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after pulling my self from the shower i changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top before walking downstairs with wet hair,

turns out tyler has gone to the party already, menaing i have no one to go with. so i just decided to ask elena if she wanted to go.

stepping into the kitchen i see elena and jeremy, jeremy on the phone whilst elen leans against the side with a worried look on her face.

"You gotta call me ,vic. I don't get it. What's going on with you?"jeremy speaks sadly , holding his phone to his ear making me sigh, he notices me and then suddnely turns his back." Just...just call me please." he whispers qucily before hanging upt he phone making em frown.

"Hey. So,um, do you wanna hang out tonight?" i ask him making him frown." We could go to the ,uh, Halloween thing at school. Could be fun" i say looking at him with a small smile before glanving at elena making her nod.

"  Cool. Sure. Sounds uh... sounds fun. Can't wait."jeremy replies back looking down at his phone making me frown.

"I know you're upset about Vicki. I heard she call Matt. But you can't be with her. She needs to get better. The best thing you can do for her is let her go."elena speaks sadly making jeremy look at her confused/

"What does that even mean, "let her go"? Oh ,okay, sure. Since we're such experts on letting people go , right?"jeremy scoffs looking at her before he looks at me." evelyn this is one of your bestfriends, why arent you so freaking out?" he questions confused.

" i know you may not undertand but trust me jer its for the best." elena explains softly making me lean against the counter next to her as jeremy huffs.

"Look, for month after mom and dad died, I felt like crap, like "nothing really even mattered" crap. Now all of a sudden,I get these moments and things started to feel just a little bit better, and Vicki was in every single of 'em. So you may not see it, but trust me.Keeping me away from her is not for the best."jeremy explains to us with a serious look in his eyes making me sigh.

he glances back down at his phone before he storms off out of the room making me sigh

brushing my wet hair from my face i turn to look at elena seeing her already string at ne, well the marks that are still on my neck.

" elena its nothing." i say shaking my head as i walk around the kitchen island.

"you like him?" she asks me as i reach up opening the cupboard.

"no?" i reply back confused grabbing a bottle of vodka down.

"then whats going on evie?" she questions confused as i turn around looking at her,

" hes helping me regress." i say seriously making her eyes widen."he said, he could help me, and i believe him." i say honestly just lookign at her.

" evie he's gonna break-"she goes to speak but i cut her off annoyed

"i dont like him elena," i snap looking at her with angry eyes.

"so why isnt tyler helping?"she questions raising her eyerbrow at me making me roll my eyes.

"because right now....tylers busy in the whole world of being a highschool jock" i say shaking her head making her shake her head too.

she goes to speak again but i just grab the bottle and walk upstairs to my room.

after getting changed and doing my makeup, i grin at myself in the mirror.

going as i slutty angel was always the best option.

in a white, tight fitting dress and white heels, my normal black smokey eyes,

survivor- evelyn gilbertWhere stories live. Discover now