CHAPTER 13-12.1

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it was a big shock to evelyns system when elena turned around and told evie they no longer was twins...well that they never even were.

their whole lives.... growing up feeling like they had this twin connection...and now it had all just been ripped from under them both.

it was that much of a shock, evelyn found herself tugging a hoddie over her head and slipping out of the house before anyone could notice.

she didnt know why she always turned to drinking whenever something in her life was to go wrong, but she did.

and then turning up on damons door step, with a bottle in her hands and tear marks down her cheeks, completely black out drunk...just wasnt how her day was supposed to go.

"come in." damon speaks, a sad look on his face seeing the sate she was in.

evie sniffles nodding her head, before stepping inside.

"give me the bottle." damon tells her, he wasnt angry, he wasnt her caregiver, only a friend who was willing to help.

"no, you dont get it damon my whole life has been a lie."evie speaks shaking her head looking at him before taking a sip from the bottle, damon just watching her." i mean everything, every joint birthday party, eveytime anyone got us mixed up, all a lie."evie rants off, tears streaming down her cheeks before she sips it again.

" evie, give me the damn bottle." damon tells her again rolling his eyes, making her sniff again before handing it over. damon sighs turning the bottle over in his hands." what is it with you and cheap vodka... if your gonna drink, might as well drink the good stuff." damon speaks shaking his head, evie now just wrapping her arms around herself." alright come on, lets get you cleaned up,." he speaks sighing, stepping towards her before lightly taking her arm pulling her with him to his bathroom upstairs.

sitting on the edge of his bed, damon kneels infront of her wiping the make up that had dragged down her face away with a cloth whilst she sat there, silently.

"have you figured out how to open the tomb yet?" evie questions him quietly, damon finished with wiping her face down now standing up.

" yes, emily's grimore, i just cant seem to figure out where it would be."damon replies back, walking into the bathroom before coming back out.

" well, it must be old, dont you guys have any old books?" evie questions him looking up whilst playing with her fingers in her lap.

"libaray." he suddenly realises.

laying on the sofa, a glass of water in her hands and a raging headache, evie listens to the sound of damon throwing book after book onto the floor, he had gone threw almost every book shelve in the place, and still hadnt found the grimwore,

"what are you looking for damon?"stefans voice made evie roll her eyes behind her hand, she was covering her face trying to stop the loud banging in her head to stop.

"not your concern." damon replies back, still tugging books from the shelf.

"no, but putting evelyn in harms way, that is my concern."stefan tells him crossing his arms

" really and whys that?"evie speaks grunting pushing herself to sit up on the sofa making stefan realise she was there." cant be cause im elena's sister cause we both know im not."evie tells her, her eyes staring straight at him with a serious and annoyed look on her face.

stefan felt sad for her, he sort of know what its like to know everything was a lie, thats how he felt when he turned and figured out katherine had been compelling him.

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