CHAPTER 14-6.2

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"why cant we just go back to yours' theres bourbon there" i say glaring at him as we walk up to my front door.

"shh" he says as he puts a finger to my lips.

he presses the door bell and soon after the door opens. its elena and jeremy.

"Jeremy, go upstairs." elena says not taking her eyes off damon. who holds onto my wrist tightly. 

"evie?" jeremy speaks looking at me frowning seeing me stood next to damon, he see the grip damon has on my arm and i see his hands tighten.

"im fine jer, go upstairs" i say looking at him seriously making him sigh and walk upstairs.

"You're afraid of me. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess. Stefan finally 'fessed up." damon says with a smirk looking at elena.

"evelyn come here" elena speaks looking at me with wide eyes, making me try and pull away from damon only for him to tighten his grip on me."Stay away from us" she says as she tries to reach out for me...

"Hey, there's no need to be rude. im just looking for Stefan. May we come in? Oh, wait. Of course I can. I've been invited." damon speaks smirking pushing his way past elena pulling me into the house with him." We can cut to the chase if you want. I'm not gonna kill you right now. That wouldn't serve my greater agenda. So...Where's Stefan?" damon asks he sits down on a chair in the living room and i sit on the arm because he still holding onto me.

"He's out looking for Vicki." elena sighs as she comes into the living room she sits down in a chair the furthest away from us.

"Don't look at me with those judgey little eyes. Girl's gonna thank me for what I did to her. and we've had a good time havent we?" he asks me.

"great time" i say smiling slightly. apart from the whole im a vampire thing and the whole turning vicki.

its been fun.

"Did you thank Katherine?" she asks coldly.

"Mmm. Got the whole life story, huh?" damon asks her smirking

"I got enough." she says looking at him and me."are you okay?" she asks me looking at me.

"im fine elena." i say smiling at her making her nod.

damon then stands up and then grabs my arm and pulls me towards the door

"Tell my brother we're looking for him. Oh, tip for later, be careful who you invite in the house. " damon says as we walk out the house.

"dick" i mutter under my breathe.

"is that what you want? cause we have a lot of time." he says smirking at me.

 i raise my eyebrows looking at him making him just laughs.

" go home evie" he says looking at me seriously making me frown.

"your so fucking strange damon" i mutter looking at him confused before i turn around walking back towards my house.

the moment i walk in elena stands there with wide eyes looking at me.

"are you okay?" she asks rushing over to me hugging me tightly.

" im fine." i say frowning hugging her too.

"did he do anything to do?" she questions looking at me as she puts her hands on my shoulders. she sees the deep kickeys on my neck instantly her eyes widen.

"he didnt make me do anything. we just partied and things got heated thats all. i didnt sleep with him" i tell her seriously making her sigh and pull me against her again.

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