CHAPTER 14-12.2

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"How did he get in?" 

damon was standing in the middle of the living room, just walking around looking at the doors and the windows.

 evie was sitting with her legs folded under self, a glass of wine in her hands much to everyones disaprovement.

"he was invited in." elena speaks, both herself and stefan were sitting on the other sofa, elena was shaken up clearly, stefan was angry.

"He posed as a pizza delivery guy last night." stefan explains, which was true. elan didnt mean to leyt the guy in but she didnt see his face before the crash. so she didnt know last night when their pizza was delievered that it was the same guy.

" well, he gets points for that. did he say what he wanted?" damon questions frowning confused stepping around the sofa and looking at stefan and elena.

" no, i think he was a bit buy trying to kill her"evie scoffs before taking a sip of her drink, everyone including damon glancing at her.

" And you have no idea who this is?" stefan questions, now shifting on the sofa to look up at damon who walks into the middle of the living room again.

"no. Don't look at me like that. I told you we had company."damon scoffs, rolling his eyes.

" You think there's more than one?"elena suddenly questions a frown on her face as she looks up, quickly looking between stefan and damon with a scared expression.

" we dont know." damon shurgs.

" damon, he was invited in." stefan looks obver at damon as he walks over to evie a frown going onto his face watching the way his brothers takes the glass from evelyns lips. her looking up at him with a small groan.

damon sits down on the arm of her chair and nods his head at stefans words.

" than we go get him...tonight"damon shrugs his shoulders simply." You up for it?"damon questions looking at elena, she was still sitting there with a sacred expression.

" what do i have to do?" elena questions looking between the two vampires in the room.

"Let your boyfriend take you to the dance. Well see who shows up." damon speaks, his whole body languge and voice acting as if this wasnt a big deal.

" That's a bad idea." stefan scoffs, sitting up more  in his seat noww as he shakes his head,

"Till we get him, this house isn't safe. For anyone who lives in it." damon speaks, his voice dropping slightly, as he nods his head looking at stefan and elena,, nodding it at evie making both ofthem glance at her seeing her looking around at all of them." It's worth a shot." damon shurgs again.

"i'll do it. I'll be with the two of you. I'll be safe."elena turns looking at stefan, stefan wasnt sure about it but he knew that staying here wasnt going to be the best option.

" and what do i do?" evie speaks sitting up slightly going to reach around damon for her glass.

" stay with me, the guy knows he can use you to get to elena"damon tells her quickly picking up the glass and moving it more out of her reach.

the couple on the sofa watching before glancing at each other confused.

"great. fun. lets go" evie huffs rolling her eyes before puhsing herself to stand up.

at the dance, the four of them walk in together, elena's arm wrapped around stefans. damon hand his arm around evies waist.

looking around there was tons of peoeple dancing, the music was blaring loudly. food was set up on stals around the edge of the gym, large bowls of fruit punch and colorful sugary treats.

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