CHAPTER 12-5.2

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laying on elena's bed as she wipes the makeup from my face. i was feeling slightly better by i  could feel a banging headache forming.

"You ok?"jeremy questions leaning on the doorway to the bathroom connectig the two bedrooms.

 i look over at him and see a look of worry on his face making me roll my eyes.

"Is Vicki in there?" i question riasing meyebrows at him as elena tries to wipe my face again making me push her away.

"Don't answer a question with another question." he replies back smirking crossing his arms." Maybe. What's wrong with you?"he questions looking at me confused.

"whats not wrong with me?."i speak rolling my eyes shuffiling to sit against elenas headboard on her bed. 

"you should go get something to eat elena"jeremy speaks looking at her making her frown confused.

"okay, im only donwtsiars shout if you need anything" elena speaks softyl looking at me kaking me nod my head before she dissapears downstairs.

"come on,l whats up?"jeremy asks coming to sit down on the bed, as i cross my legs.

"im miserable" i mutter playing with a string on the shorts im wearing."its like no matter what i do, i cant be happy" i mutter making jeremy laugh.

 i look up and glare at him.

"im sorry. im sorry. you did this to yourself evie" he tells me laughing slightly making me continue to glare at him." look....why dont you try and used to be happy all the time....maybe thats what your missing" he tells me making me look down and bite my lip.

" i told tyler i wanted to be little again..." i mutter making a suprised look appear on his face/

" you did?" he questions, its not the fact that i spoke to tyler about it thats suprised him.jeremy knows, although he wasnt happy about close me and tyler were.

its the fact that i want to be finally be little again thats suprising him.

"thats...thats good." he says smiling putting a hand on my knee making me shrug.

"i dont know what to do jer....its been so long. i dont know what to do anymore" i mutter finally looking up at him seeing him smiling sadly at me.

"you'll figure it out . you always do evie" he says smiling at me making me shurg.

" not this time jer"i mutter before standing up leaving him sitting on elenas bed. 

i layed on my bed for a while, just staring at my wardrobe. all my little things are stored in there.i didnt know if i wanted them. i miss the comfert of my paci, my faviourite teddy bear.

and it was tearing me up inside, thinking about them,

 shaking my head huffing, i stood up from my bed and pulled on a sweatshirt before walking downstairs.

seeing elena holding her hand making me frown.

stefan stands near the fridge looking at her.

" elena?" i question staring at them," are you okay?" i ask walking into the kitchen more.

im not crazy.

 i know im not.

but things like this arent supposed to happen.

i turned to look at stefan to get him to grab a towel, as i hold elenas hand stopping the blood fall from her finger.

but inside of getting the usual charming, slightly pretty stefan salvatore.

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