CHAPTER 11-11.1

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the moments the words had slipped from her lips damon had leant forwards and kissed her.

she didnt know why, she didnt understand what was going on but instead kissed him back. it didnt feel like a goodbye kiss, it didnt feel like a i love you kiss either.

almost like a thank you.

fast asleep in the passanger seat of his car, damon didnt want to waste anytime. after hearing how much she wished to help him. even though she was clearly exshausted, he told her to pack a bag with some clothes before he raced out of the house to collect his car.

after leaving a note to jenna explaining she was okay, and went out of town for a few days to sort her head out, evleyn feel asleep in the moment she got comfterbale in the passanger seat of his car.

she didint have a phone for anyone to constantly keep phoning, she didnt have to worry about elena or jeremy of anything.

softly snoring,her whole body culrled up in the seat, as damon sips on a blood bag driving along in the night.

a whimper leaves her lips as she wakes up. damons eyes instantly darting towards her hearing her heart eat change.

"good morning sleepy head" he speaks chuckling opening his window tossing out the blood bag.

evelyn groans stretching her arms up, before brushing her hair from her face.

"what time is it?" she mutters looking out of the window suddnely everything was bright.

"day time, so rise and shine." damon speaks smirking he reaches into the back seat of the car as he drives grabbing another blood bag making evelyn shake her head slightly disgusted.

"where are we?" she questions trying to look out of the windows for any signs to explain where they were or at least going.

"georgia"damon replies back smirking tearing the top off his blood bag.

" georgia?"evie questions with wide eyes turning to look at jhim." listen i know i said i would help but georgia is a long way from mysic falls"evelyn speaks rushed out.

 she had never been away from her family like this, yes she had spent the night at tylers and had passed out at multiple parties in the woods before but she never left the state alone.

"pull over,I think im going to be sick"evie mutters quickly , making damons eyes widen before he quickly pulls the car over to the side of the road making evelyn race out of the car and fall to her knees by the side of the road throwing up once again.

breathing heavily, she listens to the sound of damon climbing out of the car before he stands behind her gathering her hair into a pony tail before he throws up one more time.

" everything alright sweetheart?"damon questions rubbing at her back with his free hand.

" yeah, just too much to drink last night"evelyn mutters instantly regretting it as she wipes her mouth making damon frown letting go of her hair.

the sound of a phone ringing makes damon pause for a moment before opulling his phone from his pocket.

"elena? yes She's right here. And, yes, she's fine."damon speaks smikring, holding a hand out to help evelyn up off the floor."she wants to talk to you."damon speaks smirking holding the phone out to evelyn making her shake her head huffing."yeah i dont...i dont think she wants to talk to you right now elena," damon says laughing slightly as they walk back over to the car."You have a good day. Mm-hmm. Bye-now."damon speaks smirking before he hangs up the phone.

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