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I knew today wasn't gonna be a good day the moment Jenna had told me she had a meeting with Mr Tanner.

I knew Tanner would have nothing positive to say about me and that it will all be about me being drunk and barely coming into school.

And the moment I walked in to the house after school Jenna was on my case straight away.

I went upstairs to get changed,Elena told me her and Bonnie and Caroline were meeting at the Grill to catch up and that all three of them wanted me to be there.

After agreeing with her she went over to the grill straight away allowing me to go home and get ready before heading over.

But as I walk down the stairs and towards the front door Jenna called out my name from the kitchen.

"Evelyn" she calls out making me roll my eyes staring at the closed front door.

Sighing I turn around and walk into the kitchen peering around the corner seeing her stood behind the counter looking at me.

"i pciked up dinner tacos i had an urge for guacomoli"she says smiling at me as i look at her stood in the kitchen the spoken about food infront of her.

"im not hungry" i tell her shaking my head" im meeting elena and caroline and bonnie at the grill" i explain going to leave the kitchen but her voice calls out stopping me.

"eat anyways. its a ruse i want to talk."she says with a grin on her face making me sigh and sit down at the breakfast bar."back in school,freshamn year. i could eat my weight in nachos, with cheese."jenna speaks opening a packet infront of her."it was my munchie food whenever i would get stoned" she tells me smirking making my eyes wide.

"no get high?"i ask her an amazed look on my face.

"did past tense" she points at me making me sigh."but...yeah i loved it. anything to get a little distraction from life....reality." she sighs looking at me making me realise that this converstaion is not one i want to have right now."and it worked for a while." she says contining to speak."never last though, hey im not syaing i wouldnt love to rail and kick it, but with a thesis looming and a waistline expanding..."jenna rants, she turns her back messing with something on the counter behind her as she continue to speak making me slowly stand.

she carries on speaking as i block it out and slowly make my way to the front door slipping out of the house before she can realise.

the walk to the grill took me a while,so when i arrived elena and the others were in the middle of a conversation.

"hey guys" i mutter waving slightly as i apporach shurgging off my jacket laying it over the back of my chair."what are we talking about?" i ask pulling out my hair taking a seat.

this feels completely werid. this is the type of thing we used to do before.....

whenever i wasnt little we would alwayd go to the mall or go for lunch togteher. me and elna were super close so we shared all of  our friends.

now we barely talk and im always with either tyler or vicki or alone.

"stefan and elena's sex life" caroline tells me making me look towards elena with wide eyes.

"you and stefan have had sex?!" i ask her loudly making her shush me looking around.

 i could not for the life of me imagine innocent goody two shoes elena having sex. i mean i literally saw her and matt kiss one time and they was high school sweethearts.

"no, we just talked for hours" elena speaks shaking her head at me.

"okay what is with the blockage? just jump his bones already!" caroline exclaims looking at elena.

survivor- evelyn gilbertWhere stories live. Discover now