CHAPTER 17-8.1

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the moment my eyes fluttered open, i could tell something was up, everything that went down yesterday was slightly foggy in my mind.

but the sound of someone walking into the room i lay half alseep in makes me suddnely remember.

"shit" i whisper, my eyes widening, my head was burried into the black silk pillow under neith me.

"good morning to you too" a cocky voice replies making me groan digging my head further into the pillow.

feeling the bed dip next to me i shuffle over to the edge of the bed, looking into his blue eyes.

"sleep well?" he questions with a smirk on his face, i roll my eyes pushing myself to sit up.

 looking down i suddnely realise the black shirt im wearing before pulling the covers back realising the pair of black boxers im in aswell.

"ummm..."i mutter looking down at the clothes that clearly didnt belong to me.

"i changed you, dont worry...we didnt have hot steamy sex...although im not aposed to that" damon says grinning at me causing a small amount of blush to appear on my face before my eyes suddenely widen.

"vicki's dead"i mutter looking down at my hands in my lap, 

thinking over everyday i spent with her, the good days the bad. every single drink, drug, cig everything....

damon shuffles over on the bed next to me, and wraps his arm around my shoulder pulling me o lean against him as tears form in my eyes.

"its gonna be okay,.." he mutters rubbing my shoulder making me shake my head and shove his hands away from me.

"no its not damon." i exclaim as a tear runs down my check." i gotta go home, i gotta find jeremy!" i speak quickly,my breath uneven as i throw the duvet off me and climb out of the bed.

"evie just slow down" damon speaks rolling his eyes getting off the bed.

"no damon wheres my dress?"i questions shaking my head looking at him,

with fresh tears running down my worried panicked face, my hair all messy, my make up all over my face splotchy and ruined.

"ill drive you home if i must but just calm down"damon speaks shaking his head walking to the end of his bed to stand infront of me.

i look away from him taking a few deep breaths.

"fine." i mutter, still not making eye contact with him.

"right, breakfast time then"he suddnely speaks grinning, clapping his hands together making me frown.

" damon, one of my best friends is dead? my brother is probably is tears...i dont even know where elena is..." i speak frowning looking up at him as he sighs and steps towards me again.

" your sister is fine. your brother is fine. its all sorted" he speaks looking down at me his voice gental making me frown.

"what?"i ask confused, he smiles slightly and steps towards me again.

"stop worrying, cause im pretty sure a little girl like you shouldnt be worrying about those types of things." he says smirking looking down at me making my confused face drop, and a small amount of blush to appear on my cheeks." plus,im sure she must be hungry,its alot of hard work worrying about it all." he speaks agaib raising his eyebrows at me making me look away smiling.

" yeah im kinda hungry."i mutter trying to not show how much im grinning,

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