CHAPTER 11-5.1

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3 days.

3 whole days i still hadnt left my room.

 i couldnt.

jenna had come in and given me my meds each morning, but they layed un touched on my bedside table with the glass of water,

i could tell she was worried as i layed on my bed emostion less.

just in a t0shit she helped me into the day after the ball.

i didnt know if elena had told her waht happened,,,,but i wasnt ready to talk about it yet.

waking up the next day, i was heavy.

my whole body,

from my head to my legs.

everything just felt almost numb.

everything that happened last night....

i dont even want to think about it.

with a dull look on my face i pulled myself out of bed. i didnt plan on going to school today either.

walking out of my room. in nothing but a t-shirt i had oulled from my bedroom floor.

i walked down the stairs slowly holding onto the banistar, i was weak and tired, each time i wiuld sleep my dreams would befilled with flashbacks, my parents death. jackson....evetything single little thing that has ever gone wrong in my life seemed to just come crashing down on me all at once,

jenna was surprised to see me when i walked into the room. but she didnt mention anything as i sat down at the breakfast bar, instead she  just sat my meds infront of me and a glass of water.

i glanced at the pills on the table before slowly taking them in my fingers putting them into my mouth taking a sip of the water before swolling.

"Jenna! Are you aware of what's going on upstairs?-" elena speaks rushing down the stairs a smug but confused look on her face until she notices me sat at the breakfast bar, my head in my hands. my disheveled look. hair messy, make up still down my face.

 a glass of water sat infront of me,

jenna looks at elena worriedly nodding towards me making elena sigh.

"whats going on?" i question my voice horsh and dull as i brush my hair out of my face to look up at my sister.

"jeremy and vicki" elena says softly walking over to me.

"oh" i reply back before putting my head down.

"and you have no objection?"elena questions looking at jenna frowning.

"He could be craftier about it, at least make an effort to sneak her in and out. Oh, and just so you know, I won't be home for dinner."jenna speaks tuirng around grabbing the pot of coffee shes made for me.

" Oh, so you're actually going to do it. You're gonna go out with Logan. "elena teases walking into the kitchen pulling her own mug out of the cuboard.

" I'm going to show up and torture him, yes."jenna replys back smikring at her.

" And have you heard from Stefan?"jenna questions loking at elena making my twin sister sigh.

i look up at the mention of my sisters boyfriend. and she glacnes at me before shaking her head.

"Not since that very vague message three days ago. "Hi, um, Elena, I, um, have something I have to do. I'll, uh, explain in a few days.""elena speaks putting on a deep voice imitading stefans voice making me lightly smile at her.

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