CHAPTER 13-6.1

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" what are you?" i question looking at him frowning watching as he quite literally drains the life out of vicki.

he grunts before looking up at me, blood dripping down his face. he look back down at vicki before dropping her to the floor making me frown.

"what are you?" i question again looking at him confused.

"im a vampire babygirl" he says smirking at me, showing me his blood stained fangs making me frown.


no way, they dont exsist....

"i wanna go home" i say looking at him seriously making him smile.

" all in good time, evie" he speaks patting my shoulder making me frown again.

" is she dead?" i question looking at vicki on the floor my legs not moving.

" probably" damon says shurgging before he steps towards the cemetery.

" are you going to kill them too?" i question looking at him making him sigh ans turn around.

"you ask alot of question." he says sighing looking at me making me shrug." why dont you b a good girl and go and sit down by that tree over there" he speaks smiling at me making me frown but do so. 

i cross my arms leaning aginst a tree not to far from the cemetry.

 i could hear the screams as he clearly kills everyone thats there.

i watch as he throws another body onto the floor making me frown.

my phone begins to ring making me frown. looking threw my pockets before a confused look appears on my face.

"looking for this?" damon questions making me look up seeing him hoding my phone in his hand.

"thats mine" i say standing up glaring at him.

"you have alot of miss calls. ty ty, lena, jer bear, and jenna" he says listing off the many names making me frown.

before he calls back the number that just called.

"evelyn! evelyn are you okay?" stefans voice wuickly rushes out of the phone making me frown.

" oh shes fine baby bro" damons voice speaks as he walks over to me making me frown." arent you?" damon says looking at me smikring making me roll my eyes.

" yeah stefan im good" i say making him sigh on the other end of the phone.

"where are you?" he questions making damon laugh.

"were at the sizzler. I had the buffet. Where's my ring?" damon speaks sarcastically before his tone drops.

"I don't have it. Where are you? What have you done?" stefans voice quickly rushes out making me watch as damon walks back and foruth.

" No, what have you done? You're the one that locked me in the basement and starved me, so whatever I've done, whoever i've sucked dry is on you, buddy. "damon explains to stefan making the boy on the phone scoff.

"You're being careless. How many more animal attacks is this town gonna believe, huh?" stefans annoyed voice calls out threw the phone.

"I know how to cover my tracks, stefan. Where's my ring?" damon speaks walking over to the car opening the trunk.

"I gave it to Zach to hide. Probably shouldn't have killed him."stefan replies back seriously

"Ah, you almost got me. Where is it?"damon says laughing slightly reaching into the trunk.

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