CHAPTER 15-13.1

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it was the following afternoon and evelyn woke up to being completely alone in damons bed, the shirt that she once had one still clinging to her body.

last night a few giggled filled kisses were shared before the small girl and the blue eyed vampire just simply fell asleep.

it seemed as if there was no actual romance, no romantic feelings and butterflies, they were just friends. friends that kissed occassionally for fun.

with a confused expression, she sat up in the bed the coveres falling around her waist as she just looks around before noticing the bedroom door was cracked open.

she grabbed her phone from her bedside table before realising it was rather late in the day and she had slept threw almost all of it.

brushing her hair out of her eyes, she pulls it back out of her face before shoving the covers away and crawling out of the bed. she didnt bother to put on any more clothes as she crept out of the bedroom, following the sounds of voices coming from down the hall.

as she figured out the room where the voices were coming from she simply peered her head threw the crack in the door.

"afternoon" she speak timidly, her eyes widening seeing elena and stefan laid in bed practically naked before a smirk forms on her face." get up to some fun last night did you?"evelyn chuckles walking more into the room and sitting down on the bed.

"could ask you the same thing, is that damons shirt?"elena asks, holding the covers to her chest as she shifts to sit up more.

"no, me and damon are just friends, but yes this is his shirt" evie replies back before shaking her head.

"are you okay after yesterday?" stefan questions making evie glance at him before nodding.

"seen alot worse stefan, believe me."eveie brushes off stefans question acting as if it means nothing to her.

 honestly she had seen alot worse, she had watch damon slaughter someone not that long ago, she watched him drain the life from people she once hung out with. she watched her parents drown...

speaking of damon, as elena went to speak the raven haired vampire comes strolling into the room, not taking much notice of the couple that were half naked in bed and just throwing open the curtains.

" rise and shine sleepyheads" he speaks with a wide grin on his face.

" damon, please!" elena exlaims holding the covers tight to her chest whilst also trying to shield her eyes from the sun beaming threw the now open curtains.

"what are you doing?" stefan asks  shifting around in the bed whilst also trying to sheild his brothers chance of seeing elena naked by holding the covers up over her too.

"Oh, stop being smutty."damon smirks, taking a seat on the edge of the bed next to evelyn.

" serioualy get out of here!" stefan tells him with narrowed eyes causing damons smirk to deepen.

"If I see something I haven't seen before,I'll throw a dollar at it."damon replies back, before his hands lock under evelyns arms tugging her onto his lap surpirsing everyone in the room."Now listen,We have some very important business to discuss." he speaks, shifting the girl in his lap as he speaks getting her comfortable.

" and it has to be right now?" elena questions tucking the covers around herself and sitting up, glacing at the way her sister just simply lays back against damons chest.

"well, we have lots to do, now that we're all friends and working toward a common goal. So, in order to open the tomb,We need to find the journal To get the grimoire to open the spells. First things first-since you are Elena Gilbert,You're on journal duty."damon speaks, the whole time holding this large smirk on his lips.

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