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the next morning was very unproducative. jeremy woke up and left before i was even awake. he had left my meds on the bedside table aswell as i now cold cup of coffe making me sigh, i took them and them layed in bed for a while longer.

elena was already out, she and bonnie had volentered to hand out flyers for the night of the commit celebration tonight.

and jenna was downstairs working on her collage work for a large presentation she has soon.

after laying in bed for most the day i decided to get up and get ready for the celebration later.

at first i was going to wear jeans but ended up deciding on a deep emeralde green short dress and a leather just going to wear my normal black trainsers since i do plan on drinking like normal and not breaking my ankle...or both.

after showering and getting ready, putting on my normal black smokey make up. i pulled on my dress and jacket. and then straightened my hair. i shoved on my shoes before grabbing my phone slipping out of the house.

i hadnt actually planned who i was going to hang out with all night so when i walked into the mystic grill and saw tyler just stood infront of me about to apporach vicki and my brother i roll my eyes walking up to him.

"hey tyler" i say happily smiling at him pulling him towards an empty booth.

"oh hey evelyn" tyler mutters looking over his shoulder towards my brother and his crush.

we both slide into the empty booth and i look at him frowning as he glances between me and then.

"you look like you need a drink" i say smikring at him suddnely making him look at me as i place my hands on the table.

"oh no-" he goes to say but im already standing up making my way towards the bar.

smiling at the new bar tender, he was only hired a couple hours ago i assume so this is going to be easy.

i lean on the counter smirking at the guy as he comes over to me.

"what can i get you?" he asks smkkring at me looking me up and down.

good choice to wear this dress i guess.

" beer and one vodka and coke" i tell him smiling innocently.

he chukles and looks me up and down once again before nodding moving to make our drinks.

i sigh leaning against the bar looking around the room noticing a few familliar faces.

bonnie and caroline are sat at a table giggiling to themselves.

matt is over by the pool tables playing pool with some of the guys on the team.

i look towards the booth i had just come from seeing tyler staring over at jeremy and vicki.

that whole situation is messy.

sighing i look away from him and around the room again notcing a dark shadow stood by the door making me frown.i squint looking towards it, it looks familliar.

"here you go" a voice says snatching my attention, i look towards the noise seeing the bartender stood there holding the drinks.

i go to reach into my pocket for the small amount of money i stole from jenna the other day.

"on the house" the boy says smirking at me making me smile at him pretending to be interseted.

to be honest  hes cute but im not really looking for anything tonight.

survivor- evelyn gilbertWhere stories live. Discover now