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my fucking head kills.

why do i always start the day with a headache or a hangover?

to make it even worse. i have the biggest black eye in the world.

im going to kill tyler today.

i literally couldnt be asked to get out of bed today, but i had a bone to pick with tyler and i needed to speak to elena about damon last night....

fuck we kissed.

pulling myself from my nice warm bed i groan,

another gorna leave my lips as i look at myself in the bathroom mirror. my eye is all purple and bruised. i can stand the sight of hair is matted and all over the place.

 how it is every morning.

when i got home last night i went straight to bed. after downing about 4 advil for the banging headache that had already formed. im still in my dress too.

sighing a wipe a hand down my face wincing in pain, i turn and turn ther shower on before slippimg off the dress and climbing in.

letting the warm water roll down my body, sighing into the hot shower, washing away everything that hppened yesterday.

after my nice long shower, i walked into my bedroom a towel around body. feeling alot better my head doesnt hurt as much. but i stuill have thid aching seeing around my eye,

i changed into a pair of black jeans and a light grey tank top and grabbed my leather jacket from the back of my wardrobe. i left my hair down and lwet. not being asked to dry it right now. and make up waant an option with the swelling on my face.

so i just grabbed my black doc martins and walked downstair.

"sum ball, scum bucket." i hear jenna say as i reach the bottom of the stairs.

laughing slightlyi walk intot he room. confused,

" who are you talking to?" i question since there isnt anymore in the room with her.

she stands infront of the tv an annoyed expression on her face as she glares at the tv.

"him.the news guy. also know as logan " sum" fell" jenna satys her tone showing her dislaike twards the guy."did your mom ever tell you why i moved away from mystic falls?" jenna asks as elena walks into the rom.

"oh noy ou and him?" elea asks smirking at jenna before she walks pastc,]

" hes cute" i say smirking looking at the tv before going to foloow elena into the kitchen.

"no, hes is not cute" jenan says hitting me on the of the head making me groan."oo sorry " jenna says akwardy making me shake my head."how did you get that again?2 hshe questions as we walk into the kitchen.

"fight with a friend..its no biggy" i say walking grabbing my pills and water from the side.

 i take them without any questions and then l;ook towards elena.

"what are you doing?" i ask looking at her, shes sat down at the dinning room table with a goldne pocket watch in her hands shining it.

 aswell as other valuables around her.

"i went yesterday and got it from the safe deposit box" she speaks glacning at me and jenna before looking back at the watch." mom had told mrs lockwood that she wiuld loan it t the founders council for their heritige display" elena explains to me and jenna as she continues to shine the watch.

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