CHAPTER 10-4.2

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Standing in the line heading towards the lockwoods front door i was bored already, everyone here including all my friends had dates.

apart from me and bonnie, so we decided to come together yet i cant find her anywhere.

"coming alone?" a voice questions making me turn around and see damon and caroline stood behind me, 

linking arms, damon dressed in a black suit and caroline a blue dress with a shear cape around her neck. 

"yeah, all my friends have dates" i mutter rolling my eyes" its fine, im sure me and the bar are going to get very aquainted" i speak with a smirk on my face turning back our to face away from them.

"well i dont mind sharing" caroline speaks with a wide grin on her face making me turn and lok at her confused.

"caroline are you feeling well?" i question confused making her giggle." are you the same caroline who even refused to let me sit next to your ex boyfriend in history?" i question her again making her giggle.

"things have changed evelyn" she speaks smiling at me making me shurg and glance at damon before facing away from them again,

"i must say though evelyn" damons voice speaks making me look at him confused." you do suit the dress, it looks beautiful on you" he says looking at me with a small smirk making me frown looking at him before tuning around not having a reply.

"mrs lockwood"i say as i reach the front of the doors,  she smiles widely at me and hugs me as i step into their house."verything looks great" i mutter pulling away from the hug making her grin.

"thank you"she replies back before geusting for me to continue into the house.

i step into the house looking around at the dectorations that have been put up, and the many people. i look around for the bar too.

"This is my boyfriend Damon."caroline speaks making mrs lockwood shake damons hand.

"Oh, well, come on in." i hear mrs locwood tell the couple behind me.

"Lovely to meet you. I've been looking forward to this party for quite a while." damons voice speaks making me roll my eyes.

"well enjoy" mrs lockwood tells them grinning.

i notice my sister and her boyfriend by the stairs in the house making me walk over to them.

"elena " i say looing at her making her look away from stefan and at me.

"yeah is everything okay eveleyn?" she questions stepping towards me making me nod and glance at stefan before looking at her." stefan could you give us a moment?" she questions amking him nod and smile and walk over to someone else."whats wrong?" she questions looking at me amking me sigh.

" damon kissed me" i say looking at her with wide eyes.

her eyes widne at the information.

"really?" she questions confused  making me nod bvack.

" i didnt dream it lena. it the football game." i explaint o her making her eyes widne even more.

" well have you told caroline?" she questions amking me shake my head.

" i have a feeling she wouldnt care....she not herself you should see that" i say looking at elena with a serous look.

" i have noticed...." she sighs making me bite the inside fo my lip." try not to worry about it....just have fun and relax" sje tells me making me sigh and nod back.

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