CHAPTER 19-15.1

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evie was so scared. so confused.  it had been days since everything happened at the tomb. and no word from damon, not a text not a call. absoutley nothing. 

bonnie was away at her aunts greving over the loss of her grams. everyone was so shocked to have heard what happened. including evie.

she blames herself. if she didnt go back inside, didnt beg bonnie and her grams to let stefan and come out. things wouldnt have ended this way. maybe if she wasnt so capivated by damons charms and promises to help her regress again maybe he wouldnt have dragged her inside with him.

thats why for the past couple of days she's done nothing but hide in her room. lock herself away from the ouside world. she couldnt make anymore mistakes, or hurt anyone else if she just kept herself hidden away.

that was until elena came knocking at the door.

"you cant hide yourself in your room everytime something happens"elena sighs pushing evies bedroom door open and walking in stepping over the mounds of clothes and bottles on the floor.

evie had her ways of sneaking downstairs to the kitchen wihout being spotted or spoken to.

a loud groan leaves evies lips, she hadnt bothered to peel herself out of her bed for ninty percent of the time. 

pulling the covers over her head, she sheilds her eyes way the streaming sunlight that elena has let into the room by opening the curtains.

"come on,up"elena says trying to tug the duvet away from her."i need your help, searching for my long lost mother" elena explains.

"not feeling like it, try again next year"evie grumbles tugging on the covers pulling them back over her head, before perring out again to see elena standing at the end of her bed with her hands on her hips.

" you cant blame yourself, and i know what happened with damon hurt but-"

"elena want help finding your mother, fine. but i dont want to talk about damon." she sighs pushing herself to sit up and brush her hair from her face." i dont want to talk about him, hear his name. nothing, i just want to act like hes gone."evies words made elena sigh too, nodding she knew it was for the best, damon and evies friendship brought nothing but heartache and sadness and faulse promises for her sister.

so evie got herself up, got herself semi ready. if you call pulling on a hoodie and some sweatpants and rolling out of bed ready.

she honestly wasnt in the mood to get herself all  dressed up. she had no one to impress.

sitting in the passanger seat of elena's car with her feet kicked up onto the dash, evie sips at a bottle of water.

" good to see you drinking something other than booze" elena chuckles, keeping her eyes on the roaad as she drives towards a friend of her mothers house.

"im only drinking it because of the splitting headache i have since you decided to drag me out of bed to go mommy hunting" evie grunts, her tone dull and bored as she glances out of the window."i dont even understsnd why you want to find her, she literally abandoned you." evie sighs turning and glancing at her sister watching her shurg.

"well, its hard to say, maybe i just want answers, want a reason why"elena speaks honesty making evie feel bad for the attiude and snapy comment she previously made.

"fair play" she mutters nodding before sipping her bottle of water once more and looking out of the window.

"cute" evie mutters looking at the house that they just pulled up outside of, climbing out of the car and looking at the small red painted cottage. bushes and flowers surrounding the whole place, it looked like something out of a fairy tale.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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