1.4. Change

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Costia was in Furys office since half an hour, she heard Fury, Clint and Natasha talking outside but she didn't pay attention to what they were saying. Probably fighting about why Costia was still alive and not dead.

"We don't know if we can trust her." Natasha said looking down at the floor. "Of course we cannot trust her!" Fury yelled "She's a highly trained spy and assassin, what do you think?! That she will just stop killing people and become an agent to do good? I can answer that, she won't just stop!"

"I stopped! I wanted out and you let me." Natasha said now also yelling, happy that no other agent was around who could've heard the conversation. "You gave me a chance! So why not her? You don't need to trust her now, just... give her a chance." Natasha said, her voice soft at the last part.

"She will be in a cell till we know she won't do anything, we will interrogate her and no one expect you, agent Barton and me will be allowed to talk to her." Fury said, still angry that Natasha and Clint didn't complete their mission as planned.

"Thank you, sir." Natasha said. "Now agent Barton, you will do the first interrogation. I want to know everything about her and her past. Don't disappoint me, again."

"Yes sir." Clint said as he stepped into the room.


Costia heard two people walk away from the office before the door got opened. The man Costia knew as Clint stepped inside. "I won't be nice to you Costia-

"Yeah, yeah I know just start."

Clint put the recording device on the table, "Don't joke or anything, you are in a very difficult position Costia. Don't play with your life. Agent Romanoff just persuaded Fury to keep you alive. Don't disappoint her." Costia couldn't help but smile at the part of Natalia stepping in for her.

Clint pressed start and the red light of the recording device lit up signalling them to start talking.

"What is your name?"

"Costia Eleanora Reyonova, but I go by Costia Reyonoff now. I'm also known as the White Shadow."

"When and where were you born?"

"29th July 1987, I'm 23 now. I was born in Moscow, Russia."

"Tell me about your childhood."

"I lived in Moscow with my parents and my brother until I was around seven years old. My parents and my older brother got murdered, I don't know who killed them. I got this information from a file. However I got in a family with agents as parents, it's hard to understand, but I think they're dead now, you know these agents. We lived Chicago till I got to the red room, I was eleven."

As soon as Costia mentioned the red room a look of realisation washed over Clints face, he knew about Natashas past. She told him not so long ago when she was on his farm on vacation. Costia noticed how Clint clenched his jaw but continued talking anyway.

"Well I got trained in the red room but around when I was 15 I got to Hydra. They experimented on me but with 19 I managed to escape. Then I killed some people for money and now here I am." She said letting out a shaky breath.

What The Shadows Hide ~ Natasha x female OC.Where stories live. Discover now