1.8. Too Close

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Too Close

Costia woke up with a strong headache and without any memory from the night before. She just remembered that she went to dinner with Natasha but they felt watched so they went to Costias apartment, but what happened after? Costia probably got drunk.

"fuck." she muttered as she at up in her bed.

Getting drunk or high was the only thing that made Costia forget about keeping secrets and on the next day she didn't even remember.

She got out of bed, what just made her headache worse and walked over to the kitchen taking a view aspirins and water out of the cupboard.

That was something she always did, taking too much meds not even looking how much she had to take. Probably habits from the time when she was the White Widow.

Costia got in the bathroom after a view minutes of trying to remember what happened the last night, without success.

She stepped in the shower, ready for the hot water to turn her skin red. The water burned on Costias skin, she closed her eyes and tried to remember anything from last night. Suddenly a specific memory from last night came to her mind.

She told Natasha she really liked her, what would be okay if she wasn't drunk. But she was.


Natasha heard a knock on her door, she was about to go to the training room since it was already 8am. Normally she goes at 6 am but this morning she needed time for herself.

"Oh, it's you." Natasha said cold as she opened the door. Costias hair was wet and she was just in sweatpants, a bra and an opened black blouse.

"What did I do?" Costia asked, she wondered if anything happened between the two that she didn't remember.

No answer.

"C'mon tell me." Costia continued asking. "What do you wanna hear?" Natasha asked Costia who now had a confused look on her face.

"Well I remember saying something to you last night but I don't know what happened after... I don't know did we- I, did I do something?" Costia wondered. "No, no you didn't do anything."

"Uhm well good then right? Why are you that annoyed then?" Costia asked after a short uncomfortable silence.

"I don't know. Why is your hair wet? Come in you're getting sick." Natasha said as she pulled Costia in the room by her arm.

Why was she suddenly not pissed anymore? Why did she care about Costia getting sick?

"Uhm so you look like you were about to go to the training room." Costia said sitting down on Natashas bed. "Yes but we can train together... Maybe we could go jogging outside since you're allowed to. Just if you want to of course."

"Yes that would be nice." Costia said, a small smile on her face. "But first I'll dry your hair." Natasha said symbolising Costia to follow her.

Costia loved it when Natashas dried her hair, she loved how Natasha could draw all her attention to simply drying hair. "Is this door locked?" Costia asked breaking the comfortable silence.

"No it's not, but haven't you tried to open it? Once I came in the bathroom and the door was slightly open." Natasha answered. "Uh, that wasn't me." Costia said as Natasha put the hairdryer back to its place.

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