4.3. Peace In Our Time

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Peace In Our Time

They all turned around when they heard a computer voice speak. It wasn't Jarvis' voice, wasn't Fridays either.

"Worthy." the voice grumbled. They looked at a destroyed robot from Starks Legionnaire troupe. "No." it mumbled, he looked like it was straight out of a horror movie, "How could you be worthy?" the low pitched voice said.

"You're all killers." he said as he pointed at all of them, it's gestures were haltingly due the heavy damage on the robot. Natasha and Costia looked at each other, both of them shaking their heads.

"Stark." Steve said as he watched the robot.

"Jarvis." Tony requested, he didn't get an answer like he normally would.

"I'm sorry, I was asleep. Or I was a-dream." it seemed confused.

"Reboot Legionnaire OS. We got a baggy suit." Stark ordered the device in his hand.

"There was this terrible noise. And I was tangled in... In..." it stubled around, wires were loosely wrapped around it's structure, "Strings."

"I had to kill the other guy." he said, he seemed to get less and less confused, "He was a good guy."

"You killed someone?" Steve asked shocked.

"Wouldn't have been my first call. But, down in the real world, we're faced with ugly choices." it explained.

"Who sent you?" Thor asked the thing. It played a recording of Starks voice, 'I see a suit of armour around the world.'

"Ultron." Bruce looked up at he realized what, or who, the thing infront of him was.

"In the flesh." the thing said charming. "Well, rather not in flesh." Costia said as she eyed the robots body.

"Not yet." it said as it looked down on itself, "Not this chrysalis. But I'm ready."

Thor grabbed his hammer a little thigther while Maria, Natasha and Costia undid the safety's of their guns. The ones who didn't already stood up now and faced the machine.

"I'm on mission." it told them.

"What mission?" Natasha asked carefully, she didn't know what would set the robot off.

"Peace in our time." Ultron said, like it was the easiest thing to reach. Suddenly the two glass walls behind him were crashed by more robots, the rest of Tonys Legionnaire unit suits.

They flew straight towards the whole group, the Avengers and the other experienced fighters reacted quickly. Costia and Natasha quickly rushed to Bruce, even though they didn't know how he felt about them it was still important that he didn't turn into the Hulk.

This was a bad situation but definitly not a code green, the Hulk would only make things worse. They dragged him along towards the bar, Bruce was there before he even realised they were attacked.

The two women rolled behind the bar, Natasha pulled Bruce down to them since he was still laying on the counter.

Unfortunately he landed with his whole body weight on Natasha, his head landed in the area of Natashas breasts and his left hand ended up on Costias boob.

He quickly moved his head up and removed his hand, he seemed extremely uncomfortable.

"Sorry." he said tensed, still laying on top of Natasha, and her chest. They heard the sound of fighting from everywhere in the room.

"Don't turn green." Natasha said quickly.

"I won't." he reassured. Natasha pushed the doctor off her quickly before she and Costia sat up behind the counter.

What The Shadows Hide ~ Natasha x female OC.Where stories live. Discover now