6.9. Prison Break

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Prison Break

The device in Yelena's hand started beeping, it was the one Costia had used to hack the prison with. It informed the three women that Alexei had put the earpiece they had sent him the day before in. "Today is your lucky day, Alexei." Natasha said while Yelena held the tablet for Natasha to see, it showed Alexei's position to them.

"Move to the door on the south wall." Natasha said just as Yelena tipped on it, triggering a command which Costia had set before. It made the door open.

They flew closer towards the huge prison complex, there was nothing but mountains and snow around. "Go left." Natasha led him the way. "Just don't make a scene."

The three heard a lot of clamoring through their ear pieces which could only mean one thing. "You made a scene didn't you?" Natasha questioned, actually just stating the obvious. From Natasha's tellings Costia knew the man was very full of himself.

They heard Alexei grunt. "What now?"

"We're gettin' you outta here." Natasha said as they flew above the prison, pretty much directly over Alexei's position. This way the three could see other prison inmates run out of the same exit Alexei had come from. They watched him trying to find a way to escape, the others were trying to stop him.

Guards were rushing onto the overhead walkways, shooting at the crowd of men below. "Go to the upper level." Natasha said as they watched Alexei struggle, they didn't want this to be for nothing. Even if it was hard to admit they needed his knowledge.

"Move your ass, super soldier." Natasha said as she watched a guard throw a flare at him, he ran towards the wall closest to him and jumped up on it. He already reached the top when a guard electrocuted him which made him fall back down.

"He's never going to make it." Yelena realized as she looked down at the prison yard. They held their position right above it, hoping Alexei would manage to get to higher ground. But that wasn't the case at all.

"Get me closer." Natasha said. Yelena had the main control over the aircraft, so only she could do that. "You got a better idea?" Natasha asked when she saw Yelena's reaction.

"Hell, yeah." Costia spoke up. "Let the other prisoners do whatever they want with him."

"No." Natasha said while already standing up. "We need him to lead us to the Red Room." She said as she walked over towards the door.

Costia sighed as she stood up to. "Please be careful." She didn't want Natasha to go and safe Alexei, she was worried Natasha was not going to get back out. But she also knew Natasha was the best fighter in the whole world, even better than Costia herself. She'd manage.

Natasha gave her a quick kiss on the lips before she smiled at her. "Always." She reassured. She was just as not okay with this as her wife was, she wished she didn't have to safe the person who quite literally destroyed her life. Or at least was a friend of the person who did. But she wanted nothing more than to find the Red Room and destroy it, this was her only option.

"I need a little help up here!" Yelena called from the pilot seat. While Natasha opened the door Costia quickly walked over towards the seat Natasha had sat on before. It was much louder in the aircraft now, the sounds of the wind and the propeller were coming inside due the open door.

"Go lower." Costia said to Yelena, she did as she was told.

Alexei looked up at the helicopter while laying on his back, seeing Natasha standing at the door and climping out. "Natasha." He said as he watched her jump out, a rope securing her. She swinged down and landed on a walkway in her pose. The one Yelena had made fun of.

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