8.2. The End After The Endgame

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The End After The Endgame

Costia felt neither warm nor cold. There was no bright light, but also no swallowing darkness. All Costia felt was a numbness, an endless nothingness. She couldn't form clear thoughts, it was all sticking together, not working.

Then everything started to hurt, every thought or movement. There was a memory, Costia looking up at all the people she loved, the ones she'd consider family. Then she closed her eyes, and then there was this big nothing. Then the pain.

Before she was able to open her eyes or move, she could hear again. She couldn't make out what the people were saying, but she recongnized the voices. Natasha, Tony and T'Challa's sister, Shuri. They were having a conversation, Costia wondered what it was about. Probably her.

Costia felt her hand wrapped in the ones from someone else, the feeling was very familiar. It were Natasha's hands, wrapped around Costia's. She then felt the rest of her body, with it came more pain. But Costia couldn't make a sound yet, she couldn't even move.

"I expect her to wake up in the next days. However, her recovery will take months." Costia heard Shuri say. Natasha sighed as she squeezed Costia's hand once, it hurt a little.

"That's long." Tony said.

"That's..." Costia said, her voice raspy and dry. She cleared her throat. "That's what he said."

Natasha laughed as she looked at her wife who was trying to open her eyes. It took a lot of effort, but eventually Costia's eyes met Natasha's. Tears were glistening in them. "Thank god." the redhead said as she leaned over Costia to place a kiss on her forehead. "I love you so, so much."

"I think you should thank Shuri." the brunette said, glancing at the woman. She smiled at them while checking something on a machine which was attached to Costia. "We don't even believe in god." Costia added.

"Sorry, one second." Tony said. "Out of all the things you could've said, you chose this?"

"Yeah." Costia said, her voice was still raspy and it hurt to speak. "Now get over here and hug your best friend for being alive."

Tony smiled as he walked over to the brunette and did as he was told. He wrapped his arms around her tightly, Costia returned the hug as best as she could.

"Jesus, I am so glad you're okay."

Costia's eyes darted to the door when she heard the familiar voice of Yelena, she was leaning against the door frame. A smile formed on her face when she walked over to the bed and hugged the brunette.

"Tony." Costia said as she looked up at the man. He hummed in response. "I wanna meet Morgan."


Nothing was back to normal, because normal didn't exist anymore and it probably never did. But Natasha and Costia couldn't be happier, they had themselves and that was everything they could ever ask for.

Now they knew everything was going to be okay. Natasha and Costia smiled at every reminder they saw of their shadows, of the love the shadows hide.

The End.

sorry for the long wait, I decided to re-read the whole book to decide on the best ending and in my opinion that's it

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