6.12. Never Like It Used To Be

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Never Like It Used To Be

2016, Estonia (one week later)

"Natasha, this is a really bad idea." Costia said as she looked at the scissors in her hand nervously. "Really, really, really bad idea."

The redhead laughed while grabbing the blonde hair dye from the sink. The two were in a hotel in city called Tartu, they had fled there from Ross. "We can start with the hair dye. It's what you should do anyway." Natasha smiled.

"Really?" Costia chuckled as she read the instructions on the back on the box.

Natasha nodded, "Yeah, really. I'm an expert."

"Yeah, sure." Costia laughed. "And I'm a Hydra agent."

They both stopped laughing abruptly, just looking at each other. "That wasn't funny." Natasha said dry while Costia whispered "It's a way to cope." at the same time. They ended up lauging, it surely was funny.

"Okay, disclaimer." Costia said before she opened the box and took the hairdye out, "I am not a professional and I'm not liable for any mistakes." she said before spreading the dye in Natasha's hair, trying to make it even. She knew this was a big change for Natasha because it was also for herself. The only thing that had been constant in her life was her red hair, now she wouldn't have that.

"Yeah, no worries." Natasha smiled. "I'll kill you if it looks bad though." She joked.

Costia looked at her through the mirror, acting shocked. "You would never."

"Oh, don't underestimate me, дорогой." (darling) Natasha smirked. Costia felt how the blood rushed into her cheeks, even though she was kind of used to this she would never not get nervous. Not around Natasha.

After Costia washed out Natasha's hair it was blonde, like, actually blonde. It was almost as light as Costia's hair. "Jeez, we look like sisters." Costia muttered as she looked at Natasha and herself in the mirror. Natasha chuckled while lightly hitting Costia's arm. "That is wrong on so many levels."

"Well, I guess there's no way around brown hair now." The blonde said as she glanced at the box of brown hair dye on the counter of the sink, she really didn't want to use it. But this was a matter of safety, something they should've done weeks ago.

Maybe Costia shed a few tears when she saw herself with brown hair. It was understandable though, it wasn't just a visible change. It was the prove that their lives would never be like they used to be, they would never be able to live free again. The fear of being caught was always going to be in the back of their minds.

Costia chuckled when she looked at Natasha. "You still look like me." She stated.

The expression on Natasha's face was hilarious. Costia bursted out into laughing while Natsha tried to collect herself. "That's not funny." Natasha complained when she looked in the mirror. It was partly true, the color resembled the hair color Costia had before but the rest still looked like Natasha. "I mean, I wanted to cut my hair anyway."

Costia glanced at the siccors in front of them, then she looked back at her wife. "Are you sure... Like, really sure?" She asked, but Natasha looked very determined. "Okay, then. But I still don't take any liability." Costia said while holding her hands up. 

They both ended up looking okay. Costia's blonde hair was shining through the brown at some spots and Natasha's hair wasn't cut essentially straight but at the end it didn't matter that much. They looked less like themselves, which was their goal. Costia still couldn't help but feel like she lost a part of herself too. Her mind kept wandering back to her brother, he had had the same hair color as her.

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