chapter 4

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"what the heck!"

Claire shout as she look at the vampires going in to their house. Claire was holding a gun while mia and rose was behind her.

"Fucking blood sucking demon"

Claire yelled at the vampires as she shot one of them Before shooting another one. Of course none of them died.


Claire look at her gun and only has one bullet. The vampire's started laughing as they look at claire.

"Already out of bullets?"

One of the vampires immediately appeared infront of her as it immediately grab her and throw her away.

Rose was crying as mia just hold her, three vampires were surrounding them as they all come close.

"I'll take the child"

The man said and was immediately hit on the face by a wood. Mia was there holding some wood while she protect Rose.

"Don't even try laying a finger on her"

The vampire's growled as one of them attacked mia with full speed. But then the vampire stop. The two vampires eyes widen as they saw the daughter of their leader.

"You dare have the guts to attack this place?"

You said as your grabbing one vampire on the neck. You immediately took his heart out and let him down.

"Take rose upstairs where chris is"

Mia didn't think twice and immediately took rose. You look at the two vampires while they all look at you with anger.

"Is that how you look to the daughter of your leader?"

"You are a disgrace to the family bloodlines"

The one vampire said and immediately charge at you. You took the woods and immediately stab it's heart.

"That's a shame"

You said as the vampire slowly lose its life. It fell down and there just one more left.

He was trembling but tried to swallow his fears and attack me. You grab the chair and took some wood in it.

You run using your vampire speed and pin him against the wall. You immediately put a stake through his heart as he immediately turn into a corpse.


You sigh as you went to look for Claire.


"You fucking get away from me"

Claire said as she was swinging the knife to the vampire.

"Your blood smells sweet~"

The vampire said as he slowly walk towards Claire.

"One more steps and I'm going to cut your throat"

"Foolish human, cutting my throat won't kill me"

He said before disappearing in sight. Claire immediately look her surrounding, suddenly she felt some hands grab her neck and pin her on the wall.

"Time to eat"

He said as his fangs slowly showed and was about to bite claire when he stop midway. Claire look down and saw a wooden stake on his chest.

The vampire groan in pain as he immediately let go of Claire. There she saw y/n Looking at the vampire who's now crawling away.

You slowly walk towards the crawling vampire. You kneel down and took out the wooden stake and aim for the heart.

He slowly turn into a corpse as you stood up and look at Claire.

"If your going to kill a vampire then at least aim for the heart"

"How the fuck would I supposed to know that?"

"Don't you humans have book about vampires?"

"Yeah we have but I don't read those"

Claire said as she stood up and clean the dust on her clothes. You walk towards her and took her arm.

It was bleeding and you slowly look at her. She immediately took away her arm from you as she hid it.

"Don't worry it's just a scratch"

"Heal it or you might lure some Thirsty vampire's here"

You said as you walk away then Claire immediately called you out.

"Wait where are you going?"

"Find my brother"

"But your whole family is coming after you"

"I don't care"

"Would you please care about yourself once?"

"How would I care about myself if I'm already dead?"

Silent filled the house and Claire slowly walk towards you. She touch your cheek as you just look at her with no emotions.

"You are not dead"

"I've turn into a blood sucking demon,I've killed humans, I feed on them"

"But your still you, your still our friend who's a cheery one and caring"

You chuckled as you look at Claire. You touch her hand as you lay your face on it.

"Does this mean your agreeing to date me?"

"No dumbass"

"I was kidding"

You both laugh as you pull away from her touch.

"But I won't change my mind, I will find brother"

"Your really stubborn"

"That's who I am, y/n the stubborn child"

"You need to pay for all this mess"

"Eh? Why me?"

"That's your step douche side who made this mess, I'll giving it all to you since your the daughter"

"Alright here"

You took something into your pocket and Claire catch it. She look to see a key.

"That's a key to one of my mansion not far from here"

You said as your body slowly turn into bunch of bats.

"Wha- wait which mansion? And you still need to fix our house"

"The mansion that where we always had a sleep over, Chris favourite mansion he will know it, plus I'll pay for the mess once I finish all my problems"

You said as you fully vanish into bats and fly away from their house. Claire just chuckled as she watch you fly away.

"She never change"

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