Chapter 1

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Year: 845

Deep within the Titan Forest, a group of soldiers known as the Scout Regiment is seen riding their horses at a fast pace and they are being led by Commander Keith Shadis.

Keith: All personal, prepare for battle!

The Scouts see a Titan behind several trees in the distance.

Keith: There's one target! (Shouting) Kill it without fail!!

The Scouts charge towards the Titan until they see it by coming behind one of the large trees.

Erwin: (sees the Titan in front of him, and begins to yell back to the scouts) 400 meters to target! It's heading this way!

Keith: (to the scouts) Just as we practiced, split into five groups! We'll be the decoys! (The group splits into five and await his orders)

Keith: All attack groups, switch to Omni-directional mobility gear! (The scouts follow his orders and begin grappling the trees with their ODM gear and swinging towards the Titan)

As the scouts make their way towards the Titan, one of them by name of Moses Braun swings behind the Titan and charges towards its nape.

Keith (voice only): We strike at the same time from all directions! Let's teach this thing the power of the human race!!

Moses swings up towards the Titan's nape and is about to cut it, but the Titan turns around at an unnatural speed and bites Moses in half, eating him until only his right arm remains which falls to the ground.

Scout # 1: (Surprised while shouting) It's an Abnormal!

Keith: (to the scouts) Don't lose focus men, we'll mourn the loss of our fallen comrade after we kill this Abnormal!

The scouts then strike the Abnormal in all directions, however, the Titan begins swatting at the soldiers killing a few and injuring some of them. Although, before the Abnormal is about to kill another soldier, Erwin arrives just in time to slice the nape of the Abnormal Titan. After the Abnormal falls to the ground and begins to dissolve, the scouts land and begins to recollect themselves.

Keith: (sees the dead bodies of his fallen comrades and begins to feel angry) Damnit, again, we came all this way out here for nothing!!!

Erwin: (puts his hand on Keith's shoulder) It's going to be OK sir, we're just having a bad week right now. (Keith nods his head in response, while he turns to the rest of the scouts)

Keith: OK squad this mission is a bust, time to head back home. (Looks at the scouts that are either injured or dead) Now, pick up the wounded and the dead and put them on the carriages, it's going to be a long ride.

As the scouts begin to follow their Commander's orders, Erwin walks behind one of the trees to look if there is a fellow scout member that is either injured or dead behind it, but he sees a young boy with spiky black hair and wearing what looks like adult clothes on him.

Erwin: (confused) What the hell is a kid doing here in a dangerous place like this? (Checks the boy's neck for a pulse and once he feels it, he picks the kid up with both of his arms and walks towards the commander)

Keith: (looks at the kid in Erwin's arms with a confused expression) Why do you have a kid in your arms? Or a better question would be, why did you find a kid in the middle of the Titans Forest?!

Erwin: I don't know sir? I found him behind one of the trees behind me and he's alive just unconscious I think?

Keith: (looks at the boy for a second and then remembers an old friend back home) We'll take him with us back home, I know someone that can help him. (Erwin nods his head and then they begin walking towards the carriages)

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