Chapter 16

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The scene opens with all of the scout teams reuniting at an abandoned ruin castle with Siegfried meeting up with them. After settling in, the recruits are shown resting in one of the rooms while Siegfried talks with the members of Mike's Squad.

Nanaba: What happened, Siegfried? Where's Mike?

Siegfried: (Takes out the Scout symbol that belonged to Mike and gives it to Nanaba) I'm sorry, but when I arrived it was already too late. Mike is gone and this was all that I could bring back.

Henning: It's okay, Siegfried there's nothing that you could have done so don't blame yourself.

Lynne: Do you have a report for us?

Siegfried: (whispers) We know the identities of the Colossal and Armored Titans. They are Bertolt Hoover and Reiner Braun respectively.

Gelgar: How did you find out about this information?

Siegfried: Annie gave us this information and is now working with us, but we can't let the others know as it will be really bad if they find out. I also found out that before Mike died his ODM gear was taken by an unknown Titan, which means that there is another Titan Shifter here.

Nanaba: So, what's the plan?

Siegfried: For right now we wait for the rest of the scouts to arrive so that we can either arrest or kill the traitors, but until then we'll keep this information to ourselves while I contact my spy.

Gelgar: Spy?

Siegfried: It's kind of a long story, but she is on our side and has even given us more information about Marley.

The members of Mike's Squad nod their heads and they all went their separate ways. Siegfried then walks into one of the rooms to meet up with his contact.

???: You're late.

Siegfried: Sorry about that it was a pain in the ass to get here, but I made it... Ymir.

Ymir: (walks out of the shadows with a smirk on her face) Well it's about time. So what do you have?

Siegfried: Long story short, Annie told us that Reiner and Bertolt are the traitors and she is now working with us.

Ymir: That's going to be a problem with both of them here and not enough scouts to deal with them. So what's our plan?

Siegfried: We can't do anything until the rest of the scouts arrive so for right now we wait. I also found out that there is another Titan Shifter here and they took Mike's ODM gear.

Ymir: That is very troubling if Marley is gonna keep sending in more warriors then we might be dealing with a full-scale invasion.

Siegfried: Well, thanks to your and Annie's information about them we are now one step ahead. I also want to thank you for helping us and for telling me more about my Titan form's history. That the Kaiju Titan had been terrorizing Marley for hundred years, but it mysteriously vanished.

Ymir: No, I should be thanking you. If it wasn't for you helping me during that blizzard incident and allowing me to have a second chance, then I would still be living for myself as my form of revenge against the people who either hated my existence or tried to use me for their personal gain. So thank you, Siegfried.

Siegfried: You're welcome, Ymir.

Siegfried and Ymir then hear someone coming towards their room with them moving to another area of the room to look busy. Reiner opens the door and sees both Siegfried and Ymir looking into boxes to find more supplies.

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