Chapter 22

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The scene opens with Levi's Squad going into hiding after being framed for the murder of Dimo Reeves and his Merchant Company. Levi's Squad is shown hiding in the marketplace while Levi, Siegfried, and Nifa hide out on top of a building scouting the area only to find the Interior Squad carrying two coffins.

Nifa: Somethings odd, they're not acting like I'd expect the Interior Squad to do.

Levi: The Interior Squad figured out Reeves was on our side. They tend to think like my... well, maybe more like him.

Nifa: Him, Captain?

Levi: Have you heard of Kenny the Ripper?

Nifa: The mass murderer from the city? The one they say slit the throats of over a hundred of MPS who tried to capture him?

Levi: That was false information that he made up, but he is real as I lived with him when I was a kid.

Nifa: Come on, Captain. Don't joke at a time like this.

Siegfried: He's telling the truth. (Sees Nifa turned to face him) Levi told me about Kenny five years ago after I was found by the scouts and gained their trust a few months later.


The scene changes to show the scouts sleeping in an abandoned building as their HQ outside of the walls. It shows Siegfried tossing and turning in his sleep while having a nightmare. In the dream, Siegfried sees himself in a room with three men; two of them are torturing him while the third one watches with a creepy smile on his face. This causes Siegfried to wake up screaming and hides in the corner of his room, which awakens Levi, Hange, and Petra. The three scouts then enter his room and see him terrified with tears running down his face.

Petra: Siegfried! Are you okay, we heard you scream?

Hange: Did you have a nightmare? (Sees him nod his head)

Petra: (rubs his back to try and comfort him) Do you want to talk about it? (Sees him shake his head "no" while he holds onto himself)

Levi: Why don't you two wait outside his room while I'll talk to him.

Hange: Are you sure, Captain?

Levi nods his head and the others agreed and left the room. Levi then sits down right next to him.

Levi: It scared you didn't it, your dream? You saw something that frighten you to the point that you are too afraid to talk, right kid? (Sees him nod his head) You know, it's okay to be afraid since it makes us human and I know how it feels to be afraid.

Siegfried: (looks up at Levi) You do?

Levi: Yes, when I was little I stayed with my uncle, Kenny, after my mother died and he taught me everything that I know. However, his methods were cruel and he abandoned me after he was done training me, leaving me alone to survive on my own. I was scared during my time alone, but then I made a couple of friends and we then later joined the Scout Regiment together. However, they died at the hands of an Abnormal.

Siegfried: I'm sorry.

Levi: (pats him on his head) It's okay, kid. Besides, I learned that there's nothing wrong with being afraid, after all, how else would we know come to know our own weaknesses. You need to know them in order to become a stronger and gentler person, Siegfried. Now, do you think that you can tell me what made you scared?

Siegfried: (nods his head and looks down) I saw myself being tortured by two men while a third man watched the whole thing. It felt real like I was experiencing everything that was happening to me.

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