Chapter 11

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The scene opens with the Levi Squad getting ready to train Eren on how to control his Titan powers.

Eren: Are you sure that this is a good idea, what if I ended up hurting you guys?

Siegfried: Don't worry little bro, we'll be here to make sure that doesn't happen. Now, all you have to do is before you bite your hand, you have to have a clear goal in your head for you to transform.

Eren: And that works, how did you figure it out?

Siegfried: Well, when I first joined the Scout Regiment they wanted to see how I transform into a Titan and I told them it had something to do with cutting myself since I was cutting my fingers when I trying to pick up the pillar on our mom. So we did various tests but nothing was working and I was forced to wear a bandage on my hands. During lunch, I dropped my spoon and I went to pick it up, and then I transform into a Titan.

Eren: Seriously, just for picking up a spoon?! That's crazy?!

Siegfried: Yeah it was crazy. However, the only two people who were calm after the incident were Levi and Hange, while everyone else looked like they wanted to kill me. But after Hange told everyone that it's not just harming myself that causes the transformation, I also need to have a goal in my head to do it. Everyone in Levi's Squad bit their hands and apologized to me, and since then we've become friends after that. Now, let's begin.

Eren: Okay, what do I have to do?

Siegfried: All you have to do is survive my attacks. (Bites his hand and transforms into the Kaiju Titan) And don't worry I won't hurt you as I'm just going to knock you to the ground gently.

Eren starts running with Siegfried following him while he gets pushed to the ground a few times. He tries biting his hand a couple of times, but nothing seems to be working until he comes up with a plan.

Eren (thinking): Wait a minute, this is what he planned on. He knew that I wouldn't be able to transform unless I wasn't in a dangerous situation. It happened when that Titan swallowed me, the artillery cannons, and the boulder. Now I know what I have to do.

Eren stops running and faces Siegfried, he then bites his hand and a yellow lightning flash appears causing him to transform into his Titan form.

Siegfried: Eren, are you in control? (Sees Eren nod his head) Good. Now, let's do a couple more tests, and then we can go back to the others.

Flashback Ends

The scene changes back to the present right after the deaths of the two Titan subjects, the 104th cadets are shown getting their equipment searched by the Military Police.

MP 1: When was the last time your ODM was switched out?

Sasha: After the mopping-up operation six days ago, sir.

MP 2: There's a record of it.

MP 1: All right, next! You!

The scene changes to Connie, Armin, and Annie getting their equipment ready for inspection while hearing the other cadets talking about the inspection.

Connie: You can't blame someone for hating Titans.

Armin: Yeah, but this practically helps the Titans. Whoever did it may have satisfied their thirst for revenge, but it's a blow to the human race.

Connie: I'm an idiot, so I kinda get where they are coming from. You lose your ability to think. Before I saw my first Titan, I really wanted to join the Scout Regiment, but now... I never want to see another Titan again. Damnit, even Jean said he wanted to join the Scout Regiment. (Sees Armin looking at him with a surprised look on his face; he then turns to Annie) Hey... Annie, what do you think?

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