Chapter 10

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The scene opens with Eren making his way to the hole while everyone protects him from the other Titans. As he makes his way to the wall, he sees a Titan in front of him, but Siegfried steps in front of him and fires his energy beam at the Titan, which disintegrates its head allowing Mikasa to come up behind it and slice the Titan's nape.

Armin: GO, EREN!!!

Eren (thinking): FIGHT!!! (Plugs the hole with the boulder)

Rico: (Begins to cry as she realizes that humanity had finally won) Everyone didn't die in vain... today, the human race finally won its first victory against the Titans.

Armin is shown trying to get Eren out of the nape of his Titan, but he is fused to it. As Mikasa tries to help him, they see two Titans coming towards them.

Mikasa: Damnit we got incoming! (Turns to Siegfried) Siegfried, help them?!

Siegfried: (Picks up a scent that he recognizes) Don't worry, Mikasa. He'll help them.

Before Mikasa could say anything, a blur kills both of the Titans and lands in front of them revealing themselves to be Levi.

Levi: Would someone mind telling me what the hell I'm looking at? (Turns to Siegfried) And I'm sure that you had a reason for revealing your powers, brat.

Siegfried: It's good to see you again, shorty.

Levi: (starts eye twitching) Why don't you come down here and say it to my face.

Siegfried: Even if I did, I would still be taller than you, midget.

Armin (voice only): Thanks to the combined forces of the Scout Regiment, Garrison Soldiers, and Siegfried they were able to eliminate all of the Titans within Wall Rose. For the first time, the human race had stopped the Titan invasion. It was a remarkable deed, but far too many lives were lost.


Three days had passed after the battle and then the cleanup crew started cleaning up the remains of the victims that were lost during the invasion, one of them being a fellow 104th cadet by the name of Marco Bolt. Meanwhile, Eren awakened from his coma in a prison cell to see Siegfried, Commander Erwin, and a midget standing in front of his bed as they told him what happened in the past three days.

Commander Erwin: And that's what happened in the past three days you were in a coma. Also, Siegfried explained to us everything that happened, but we would like to hear your answer. What is it that you want to do?

Eren: (sees Siegfried nod his head) I want to join the Scout Regiment and you eliminate the Titans.

Levi: Not bad. Erwin, I'll take full responsibility for him. I mean if I can handle one brat, I can handle another one.

Siegfried: (chuckles) I don't think that you'll be able to handle both of us when you still need to use a ladder to reach the top shelf, shorty.

Levi gains an eye twitch while Erwin chuckles and Eren tries to stop himself from laughing.


A few days had passed with Eren still in his cell until he was finally let out and taken to his trial, where he saw Siegfried chained to one of the two poles while he was chained to the other one.

Darius: Well, let's begin.

The judge explains to both Eren and Siegfried how the two sides either want them killed or seen as heroes. He then asked the Scout and Military Police Regiments about what they wanted to do with them. Erwin wants to use their powers to reclaim Wall Maria while Nile wants to have them both experimented on and then killed. However, upon hearing this Siegfried decided to voice his thoughts in the form of a laugh.

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