Chapter 24

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The scene opens with Siegfried and Frieda getting ready to begin their experiment.

Frieda: (Raises her hand) So, are you ready?

Siegfried: (Raises his hand) Let's do it.

Siegfried and Frieda place their hands together, which sparks both blue and yellow electricity and then they start seeing clear images from a first-person perspective. The first picture shows two young children, a girl with shoulder-length light blonde hair and blue eyes with arrows sticking out her back, and a boy who is also shown to have arrows in his back as he looks behind him to see the girl and soldiers running towards them. The second picture shows the boy being tortured by two men that are holding medical syringes, while a third man who is wearing a medieval royal robe watches the scene with a smile on his face. The third picture shows the boy jumping off of a cliff and falling into the ocean. The fourth picture shows the boy underwater while a blue centipede-like creature swims toward him, and the fifth picture shows the boy in his Kaiju Titan form and face-to-face with a female Titan, whose face resembles a skull and has blonde hair with her ribcage sticking out of her.

Siegfried and Frieda then get out of the Paths and stare at each other in shock.

Frieda: That was... different.

Siegfried: Yeah, it was. (Places his hand on his forehead as he gets a slight headache from the experience)

Annie: What did you both see?

Siegfried: I think we saw the origin of the Kaiju Titan and how it was created. Because the images that we saw were from ancient times when people would wear medieval clothing.

Ymir: But how is that possible, usually we get memories of our predecessor?

Frieda: Well, because Siegfried and I both have royal blood in our veins, we can see the memories of different owners of our Titans. When I first got my Titan powers not only did I see the memories of my uncle, but I also saw ones from King Reiss as well. So, in Siegfried's case, we probably saw the memories of the first owner of the Kaiju Titan.

Siegfried: That is a possible theory, but when I saw those memories I felt like I was experiencing them. However, we can worry about that later cause right now we need to find Eren and Historia.

Everyone agrees and they left to find the location to where Eren and Historia are. However, Frieda and Maurice stayed behind as they are not yet ready to reveal to the world that they exist, but they told them that when the time comes they'll show themselves.


The scene changes to show Levi's Squad arriving at the Reiss Family Chaple and after looking inside of it, they found a hidden trap door.

Hange: Here it is, the secret door. Eren, Historia, and our enemies must be on the other side. I just hope the layout's close to what I predicted.

Levi: I hope the detour for those little presents pays off.

Armin: (finishes setting up a barrel) All right. Preparations complete!

Siegfried: All right, everyone I know that some of you are not used to killing humans, and quite frankly I don't blame you. Killing a person is not like killing a mindless Titan, but right now if we don't fight back against our enemies then everything that we did would be for nothing. So, I'm going to give all of you some advice, when you see your enemies in front of you I want you to picture them as a human-size Titan instead of a normal human.

Levi: Thanks for the speech, little brother but now are you all ready to get your hands dirty?

The scouts stare at Levi with looks of determination on their faces.

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